RECENT studies have linked
the consumption of cola
drinks to higher risk of developing brittle
bone disease (osteoporosis).
According to a new study by Tufts
University, United States of America (U.S.A.)
researchers, women of all ages who
regularly drink cola run a much higher risk
of developing the brittle bones disease
osteoporosis than women who do not drink
The study, published in the American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, examined 2,500
men and women and found that regardless
of age and calcium intake, the women who
regularly drank cola experienced loss of
bone mineral density. The bone loss was
not observed in men or in women who
drank non-cola carbonated beverages.
The researchers gave the study participants
a questionnaire on their diets, and
measured bone density at the spine and in
three different locations on the hips.
Women who drank four or more colas per
week had lower bone mineral density at the
three hip locations, but did not experience
bone mineral density loss at the spine.
The study disposed of the idea that women
who drink cola regularly can offset bone
mineral density loss by drinking milk or
taking calcium supplements. The
researchers found that milk consumption
was the same among women who drank
cola regularly and those who did not. Only
those who drank massive amounts of cola
experienced some benefit from milk
The researchers are uncertain what
ingredient in cola affects women ’s bone
health, but they hypothesise that
phosphoric acid may turn the blood too
acidic, which causes the body to take
calcium from the bones to balance out the
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Eating spinach boosts muscles,study finds
RESEARCHERS at the Karolinska
Institutet in Sweden have
discovered that spinach really can boost
According to the research, which was
published in the February issue of the
journal Cell Metabolism, eating a bowl of
spinach every day makes the muscles
“ profoundly” more efficient. Researchers
found that eating 300g of spinach reduced
the amount of oxygen needed to power
muscles when exercising by as much as
five per cent.
The ingredients, which make spinach work
so well are the nitrates found abundantly in
spinach. Nitrates make the mitochondria,
the “engine rooms” of cells, more efficient.
“It is like a fuel additive for your muscles - it
makes them run much more smoothly and
efficiently, ” said the lead author Dr. Eddie
Weitzberg of the Karolinska Institutet in
In the study, Wietzberg fed people the pure
nitrate supplements equivalent to the
amount in a plate of spinach every day for
three days. At the beginning and end of the
experiment participants pedaled
strenuously on an exercise bike while their
oxygen intake was measured via a tube to
the mouth. At the end of three days, the
difference in energy intake was found to be
between three and five per cent - which is
considered to be a significant amount.
Originally it was thought that the iron
content of spinach made it a power-food.
Now scientists have found that it is nitrates,
which are the true energy-boosting
ingredient found in spinach and other
green leafy vegetables.
“We know that diets rich in fruits and
vegetables can help prevent cardiovascular
disease and diabetes, but the active
nutrients haven ’t been clear,” said
Weitzberg, who also added: “It is a
profound and significant effect. It just
shows that Popeye was right. ”
Previously Weitzberg and colleague Prof.
Jon Lundberg demonstrated that dietary
nitrate increases levels of nitric oxide in the
body with the help of friendly bacteria.
Nitric oxide helps open up blood vessels,
lowers blood pressure, and improves
circulation. Nitrates appear to help stop the
loss of energy in the mitochondria due to
heat loss, making the cell - and thus the
muscle - more efficient.
The new study shows yet another benefit
of nitrate and the nitric oxides that stem
from them; however, questions do remain.
While the new study results show that
increased dietary nitrate can have a rather
immediate effect, it is not clear what might
happen in people who consume higher
levels of inorganic nitrate over longer
periods of time.
It is likely much healthier to consume
nitrates and other beneficial items by eating
fresh vegetables and plants.
Institutet in Sweden have
discovered that spinach really can boost
According to the research, which was
published in the February issue of the
journal Cell Metabolism, eating a bowl of
spinach every day makes the muscles
“ profoundly” more efficient. Researchers
found that eating 300g of spinach reduced
the amount of oxygen needed to power
muscles when exercising by as much as
five per cent.
The ingredients, which make spinach work
so well are the nitrates found abundantly in
spinach. Nitrates make the mitochondria,
the “engine rooms” of cells, more efficient.
“It is like a fuel additive for your muscles - it
makes them run much more smoothly and
efficiently, ” said the lead author Dr. Eddie
Weitzberg of the Karolinska Institutet in
In the study, Wietzberg fed people the pure
nitrate supplements equivalent to the
amount in a plate of spinach every day for
three days. At the beginning and end of the
experiment participants pedaled
strenuously on an exercise bike while their
oxygen intake was measured via a tube to
the mouth. At the end of three days, the
difference in energy intake was found to be
between three and five per cent - which is
considered to be a significant amount.
Originally it was thought that the iron
content of spinach made it a power-food.
Now scientists have found that it is nitrates,
which are the true energy-boosting
ingredient found in spinach and other
green leafy vegetables.
“We know that diets rich in fruits and
vegetables can help prevent cardiovascular
disease and diabetes, but the active
nutrients haven ’t been clear,” said
Weitzberg, who also added: “It is a
profound and significant effect. It just
shows that Popeye was right. ”
Previously Weitzberg and colleague Prof.
Jon Lundberg demonstrated that dietary
nitrate increases levels of nitric oxide in the
body with the help of friendly bacteria.
Nitric oxide helps open up blood vessels,
lowers blood pressure, and improves
circulation. Nitrates appear to help stop the
loss of energy in the mitochondria due to
heat loss, making the cell - and thus the
muscle - more efficient.
The new study shows yet another benefit
of nitrate and the nitric oxides that stem
from them; however, questions do remain.
While the new study results show that
increased dietary nitrate can have a rather
immediate effect, it is not clear what might
happen in people who consume higher
levels of inorganic nitrate over longer
periods of time.
It is likely much healthier to consume
nitrates and other beneficial items by eating
fresh vegetables and plants.
Researchers probe coffee ’s health benefits
It is dark and bitter, but is enjoyed on
most breakfast and lunch tables in many
parts of the world for its refreshing and
health benefits. Nigerian researchers have
launched a probe into what makes coffee
EXCITED by researches from Asia, America
and Europe validating the health benefits of
coffee, Nigerian researchers have come
together to probe the effects on Nigerians.
The team, Ignite Project, include a consultant
cardiologist and associate professor of
medicine at the College of Medicine
University of Lagos (CMUL)/Lagos
University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Dr. Jane
Ajuluchukwu, consultant clinical
pharmacologist and associate professor of
medicine at CMUL/LUTH, Dr. Sunday Olayemi,
a consultant nutritional biochemist at the
Nigeria Institute of Medical Research (NIMR),
Mr. Bathlomeo Brai and the President
Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Dr.
Damise Temiye.
The team said that unpublished studies in
the country showed that drinking two to
three cups of coffee daily reduces painful
crisis in sickle cell patients and prevents
premature delivery when taken by
pregnant women.
The researchers said that drinking coffee
had been demonstrated to improve an
individual ’s alertness and concentration so
aiding better performance and also helping
reduce the feeling of tiredness or lethargy.
Temiye at a media event in Lagos to kick-
start the probe said: “I believe that if coffee
is not beneficial it will not still be in the
market. We want to know what happens
when the pregnant woman takes it. Will it
be beneficial? Will it prevent premature
babies? Is it given to premature babies to
live? If mother take it, will it prevent
preterm? Is it beneficial to sickle cell
patients? Will it reduce their painful crisis?
Will it help them to live a better life? We
need to make more doctors to be aware. We
need to collaborate. A lot of things we used
are medicinal. Too much of everything is
bad. There is nothing that is not of risk but
moderation is the answer. ”
Ajuluchukwu said: “We are doing our own
study in Nigeria and not hoping on what is
happening in Finland. We want to do a
study to know whether being a Nigerian or
being in Nigeria will change the equation.
“Coffee has been linked to lower risk of
brain tumour. There is something coffee
does to bad cholesterol to make it impotent
and not able to carry out its bad work. It is
good in preventing diabetes. ”
Ajuluchukwu said that coffee was one of
the most widely researched ingredients and
the growing body of scientific research
shows that coffee, when drunk in
moderation- four to five regular size cups a
day- is safe for healthy adults and can even
have beneficial health implications as part
of a healthy diet and physically active
She said: “The key ingredient demonstrated
to be responsible for enhanced mental
performance is caffeine, which is naturally
contained in coffee but also in tea and
cocoa. Coffee also contains vitamins and
minerals. A wide range of studies have
shown that caffeine improves mental
performance and help maintain a high level
of attention for longer periods and
improves attention span in some
individuals. ”
On the possible side effects of coffee,
Olayemi said: “Everything in life has risk
and everything has benefit. Coffee has
polyphenol that helps in insulin sensitivity.
You need to take 50 to 100 cups daily for
coffee to cause mortality. ”
Brai said that the aim of the Ignite Project
was to unravel coffee health benefits. On
the quantity to be taken, Brai said: “The key
is modesty. Water is good but can kill. So it
has to be in moderation. If you have two to
three cups of coffee a day you are on the
safe side, that is 300mg or less. Four to five
cups is also okay but it is better to be on the
safe side. ”
On the effect of drinking coffee during
pregnancy, Brai said: “There is no harm in
using coffee during pregnancy. Recent
report shows that up to 300mg will not
affect pregnancy. ”
To Ajuluchukwu: “Personally I think coffee
is an adult thing just like kolanut. It is for
enjoyment, for socialising. So we should not
take it as a drug. Take it as enjoyment in
addition to the health benefits. We should
not take coffee as a drug but as enjoyment
benefit. We are sharing unnecessary fears. ”
On why some people have terrible side
effects when they take a little coffee,
Temiye explained: “It is idiosyncrasy
reaction. Idiosyncratic drug reaction
denotes a non-immunological
hypersensitivity to a substance, without
connection to pharmacological toxicity.
Idiosyncratic stresses here the fact that
other individuals would react differently, or
not at all, and that the reaction is an
individual one based on a specific condition
of the one who suffers it. Some people will
react badly after taking peanut, that is
groundnut. I have peanut allergy. I do not
take groundnuts. ”
Meanwhile, a recent study has explained
why coffee may be protective against type
2 diabetes.
Researchers at University of California Los
Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a possible
molecular mechanism behind coffee ’s
protective effect. A protein called sex
hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) regulates
the biological activity of the body ’s sex
hormones, testosterone and estrogen,
which have long been thought to play a role
in the development of type 2 diabetes. And
coffee consumption, it turns out, increases
plasma levels of SHBG.
The study was published in the current
edition of the journal Diabetes.
The study showed that women who drink
at least four cups of coffee a day are less
than half as likely to develop diabetes as
non-coffee drinkers.
When the findings were adjusted for levels
of SHBG, the researchers said that protective
effect disappeared.
For the study, the researchers identified
359 new diabetes cases matched by age
and race with 359 apparently healthy
controls selected from among nearly 40,000
women enrolled in the Women ’s Health
Study, a large-scale cardiovascular trial
originally designed to evaluate the benefits
and risks of low-dose aspirin and vitamin E
in the primary prevention of cardiovascular
disease and cancer.
They found that women who drank four
cups of caffeinated coffee each day had
significantly higher levels of SHBG than did
non-drinkers and were 56 per cent less
likely to develop diabetes than were non-
drinkers. And those who also carried the
protective copy of the SHBG gene appeared
to benefit the most from coffee
When the investigators controlled for blood
SHBG levels, the decrease in risk associated
with coffee consumption was not
significant. This suggests that it is SHBG that
mediates the decrease in risk of developing
type 2 diabetes.
Also, moderate coffee consumption has
been shown to improve aortic distensibility
in hypertensive elderly individuals.
A detailed study conducted by a team from
the University of Athens on the Aegean
island of Ikaria has demonstrated that
moderate consumption of coffee by
hypertensive elderly individuals can lead to
improvements in aortic distensibility.
Distensibility is a measure of the elasticity
of arteries, and low levels have long been
recognised as an indicator of
atherosclerosis and a reliable predictor of
future cardiovascular events. By increasing
the load on the heart, hypertension leads to
vascular changes and neuro-hormonal
activation, which causes increases in
vascular stiffness and reduced elasticity.
Between June and October 2009,
researchers from the University of Athens
conducted a health and nutrition survey
using a target group of 343 men and 330
women aged between 65 and 100 — all of
whom were long-term residents of Ikaria.
The island was selected because of its
population ’s high life expectancy, with an
above-average proportion of residents
over 90 years of age. Consideration was
given to a wide range of socio-
demographic, bio-clinical, lifestyle and
dietary characteristics related to
cardiovascular risk factors such as
hypertension, diabetes,
hypercholesterolemia, obesity and
anthropometric indices. Physical activity
status and biochemical parameters related
to cardiovascular risk were also evaluated.
Coffee consumption was particularly
measured during the initial phase of the
study because it is a deeply embedded
social tradition within the Greek population,
and also because of conflicting evidence of
its impact on cardiovascular health.
Coffee has also been shown to protect
against head and neck cancers. Data on the
effects of coffee on cancer risk have been
mixed. However, results of a recent study
add to the brewing evidence that drinking
coffee protects against cancer, this time
against head and neck cancer.
Full study results are published online first
in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers &
Prevention, a journal of the American
Association for Cancer Research.
Using information from a pooled-analysis
of nine studies collected by the
International Head and Neck Cancer
Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium,
participants who were regular coffee
drinkers, that is, those who drank an
estimated four or more cups a day,
compared with those who were non-
drinkers, had a 39 per cent decreased risk
of oral cavity and pharynx cancers
Data on decaffeinated coffee was too
sparse for detailed analysis, but indicated
no increased risk. Tea intake was not
associated with head and neck cancer risk.
The association is more reliable among
those who are frequent, regular coffee
drinkers, consuming more than four cups of
coffee a day.
Also, high and moderate consumption of tea
and moderate coffee consumption are
linked with reduced heart disease,
according to a study published in
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular
Biology: Journal of the American Heart
Researchers in The Netherlands found:
drinking more than six cups of tea per day
was associated with a 36 per cent lower
risk of heart disease compared to those
who drank less than one cup of tea per day
and drinking three to six cups of tea per
day was associated with a 45 per cent
reduced risk of death from heart disease,
compared to consumption of less than one
cup per day.
And for coffee they found: coffee drinkers
with a modest intake, two to four cups per
day, had a 20 per cent lower risk of heart
disease compared to those drinking less
than two cups or more than four cups; and
although not considered significant,
moderate coffee consumption slightly
reduced the risk of heart disease death and
deaths from all causes.Researchers also
found that neither coffee nor tea
consumption affected stroke risk.
most breakfast and lunch tables in many
parts of the world for its refreshing and
health benefits. Nigerian researchers have
launched a probe into what makes coffee
EXCITED by researches from Asia, America
and Europe validating the health benefits of
coffee, Nigerian researchers have come
together to probe the effects on Nigerians.
The team, Ignite Project, include a consultant
cardiologist and associate professor of
medicine at the College of Medicine
University of Lagos (CMUL)/Lagos
University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Dr. Jane
Ajuluchukwu, consultant clinical
pharmacologist and associate professor of
medicine at CMUL/LUTH, Dr. Sunday Olayemi,
a consultant nutritional biochemist at the
Nigeria Institute of Medical Research (NIMR),
Mr. Bathlomeo Brai and the President
Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Dr.
Damise Temiye.
The team said that unpublished studies in
the country showed that drinking two to
three cups of coffee daily reduces painful
crisis in sickle cell patients and prevents
premature delivery when taken by
pregnant women.
The researchers said that drinking coffee
had been demonstrated to improve an
individual ’s alertness and concentration so
aiding better performance and also helping
reduce the feeling of tiredness or lethargy.
Temiye at a media event in Lagos to kick-
start the probe said: “I believe that if coffee
is not beneficial it will not still be in the
market. We want to know what happens
when the pregnant woman takes it. Will it
be beneficial? Will it prevent premature
babies? Is it given to premature babies to
live? If mother take it, will it prevent
preterm? Is it beneficial to sickle cell
patients? Will it reduce their painful crisis?
Will it help them to live a better life? We
need to make more doctors to be aware. We
need to collaborate. A lot of things we used
are medicinal. Too much of everything is
bad. There is nothing that is not of risk but
moderation is the answer. ”
Ajuluchukwu said: “We are doing our own
study in Nigeria and not hoping on what is
happening in Finland. We want to do a
study to know whether being a Nigerian or
being in Nigeria will change the equation.
“Coffee has been linked to lower risk of
brain tumour. There is something coffee
does to bad cholesterol to make it impotent
and not able to carry out its bad work. It is
good in preventing diabetes. ”
Ajuluchukwu said that coffee was one of
the most widely researched ingredients and
the growing body of scientific research
shows that coffee, when drunk in
moderation- four to five regular size cups a
day- is safe for healthy adults and can even
have beneficial health implications as part
of a healthy diet and physically active
She said: “The key ingredient demonstrated
to be responsible for enhanced mental
performance is caffeine, which is naturally
contained in coffee but also in tea and
cocoa. Coffee also contains vitamins and
minerals. A wide range of studies have
shown that caffeine improves mental
performance and help maintain a high level
of attention for longer periods and
improves attention span in some
individuals. ”
On the possible side effects of coffee,
Olayemi said: “Everything in life has risk
and everything has benefit. Coffee has
polyphenol that helps in insulin sensitivity.
You need to take 50 to 100 cups daily for
coffee to cause mortality. ”
Brai said that the aim of the Ignite Project
was to unravel coffee health benefits. On
the quantity to be taken, Brai said: “The key
is modesty. Water is good but can kill. So it
has to be in moderation. If you have two to
three cups of coffee a day you are on the
safe side, that is 300mg or less. Four to five
cups is also okay but it is better to be on the
safe side. ”
On the effect of drinking coffee during
pregnancy, Brai said: “There is no harm in
using coffee during pregnancy. Recent
report shows that up to 300mg will not
affect pregnancy. ”
To Ajuluchukwu: “Personally I think coffee
is an adult thing just like kolanut. It is for
enjoyment, for socialising. So we should not
take it as a drug. Take it as enjoyment in
addition to the health benefits. We should
not take coffee as a drug but as enjoyment
benefit. We are sharing unnecessary fears. ”
On why some people have terrible side
effects when they take a little coffee,
Temiye explained: “It is idiosyncrasy
reaction. Idiosyncratic drug reaction
denotes a non-immunological
hypersensitivity to a substance, without
connection to pharmacological toxicity.
Idiosyncratic stresses here the fact that
other individuals would react differently, or
not at all, and that the reaction is an
individual one based on a specific condition
of the one who suffers it. Some people will
react badly after taking peanut, that is
groundnut. I have peanut allergy. I do not
take groundnuts. ”
Meanwhile, a recent study has explained
why coffee may be protective against type
2 diabetes.
Researchers at University of California Los
Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a possible
molecular mechanism behind coffee ’s
protective effect. A protein called sex
hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) regulates
the biological activity of the body ’s sex
hormones, testosterone and estrogen,
which have long been thought to play a role
in the development of type 2 diabetes. And
coffee consumption, it turns out, increases
plasma levels of SHBG.
The study was published in the current
edition of the journal Diabetes.
The study showed that women who drink
at least four cups of coffee a day are less
than half as likely to develop diabetes as
non-coffee drinkers.
When the findings were adjusted for levels
of SHBG, the researchers said that protective
effect disappeared.
For the study, the researchers identified
359 new diabetes cases matched by age
and race with 359 apparently healthy
controls selected from among nearly 40,000
women enrolled in the Women ’s Health
Study, a large-scale cardiovascular trial
originally designed to evaluate the benefits
and risks of low-dose aspirin and vitamin E
in the primary prevention of cardiovascular
disease and cancer.
They found that women who drank four
cups of caffeinated coffee each day had
significantly higher levels of SHBG than did
non-drinkers and were 56 per cent less
likely to develop diabetes than were non-
drinkers. And those who also carried the
protective copy of the SHBG gene appeared
to benefit the most from coffee
When the investigators controlled for blood
SHBG levels, the decrease in risk associated
with coffee consumption was not
significant. This suggests that it is SHBG that
mediates the decrease in risk of developing
type 2 diabetes.
Also, moderate coffee consumption has
been shown to improve aortic distensibility
in hypertensive elderly individuals.
A detailed study conducted by a team from
the University of Athens on the Aegean
island of Ikaria has demonstrated that
moderate consumption of coffee by
hypertensive elderly individuals can lead to
improvements in aortic distensibility.
Distensibility is a measure of the elasticity
of arteries, and low levels have long been
recognised as an indicator of
atherosclerosis and a reliable predictor of
future cardiovascular events. By increasing
the load on the heart, hypertension leads to
vascular changes and neuro-hormonal
activation, which causes increases in
vascular stiffness and reduced elasticity.
Between June and October 2009,
researchers from the University of Athens
conducted a health and nutrition survey
using a target group of 343 men and 330
women aged between 65 and 100 — all of
whom were long-term residents of Ikaria.
The island was selected because of its
population ’s high life expectancy, with an
above-average proportion of residents
over 90 years of age. Consideration was
given to a wide range of socio-
demographic, bio-clinical, lifestyle and
dietary characteristics related to
cardiovascular risk factors such as
hypertension, diabetes,
hypercholesterolemia, obesity and
anthropometric indices. Physical activity
status and biochemical parameters related
to cardiovascular risk were also evaluated.
Coffee consumption was particularly
measured during the initial phase of the
study because it is a deeply embedded
social tradition within the Greek population,
and also because of conflicting evidence of
its impact on cardiovascular health.
Coffee has also been shown to protect
against head and neck cancers. Data on the
effects of coffee on cancer risk have been
mixed. However, results of a recent study
add to the brewing evidence that drinking
coffee protects against cancer, this time
against head and neck cancer.
Full study results are published online first
in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers &
Prevention, a journal of the American
Association for Cancer Research.
Using information from a pooled-analysis
of nine studies collected by the
International Head and Neck Cancer
Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium,
participants who were regular coffee
drinkers, that is, those who drank an
estimated four or more cups a day,
compared with those who were non-
drinkers, had a 39 per cent decreased risk
of oral cavity and pharynx cancers
Data on decaffeinated coffee was too
sparse for detailed analysis, but indicated
no increased risk. Tea intake was not
associated with head and neck cancer risk.
The association is more reliable among
those who are frequent, regular coffee
drinkers, consuming more than four cups of
coffee a day.
Also, high and moderate consumption of tea
and moderate coffee consumption are
linked with reduced heart disease,
according to a study published in
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular
Biology: Journal of the American Heart
Researchers in The Netherlands found:
drinking more than six cups of tea per day
was associated with a 36 per cent lower
risk of heart disease compared to those
who drank less than one cup of tea per day
and drinking three to six cups of tea per
day was associated with a 45 per cent
reduced risk of death from heart disease,
compared to consumption of less than one
cup per day.
And for coffee they found: coffee drinkers
with a modest intake, two to four cups per
day, had a 20 per cent lower risk of heart
disease compared to those drinking less
than two cups or more than four cups; and
although not considered significant,
moderate coffee consumption slightly
reduced the risk of heart disease death and
deaths from all causes.Researchers also
found that neither coffee nor tea
consumption affected stroke risk.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Local plant show promise indiabetes, HIV/AIDS
Extracts of a local plant have shown great
promise in boosting immune functions
and controlling blood glucose or managing
RESEARCHERS have validated the folklore
uses of a local plant, Phyllanthus niruri, in
boosting the immune system against
infectious diseases such as Human Immuno-
deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and lowering of
sugar and cholesterol levels, and in the
prevention of heart diseases.
Phyllanthus niruri also known as “Chanca
pledra” belongs to the family
Euphorbiaceae. It is known as Enyikwonwa
in Ibo of the southeastern part of the
Phyllanthus niruri is similar to Phyllanthus
amarus, which also belongs to the plant
family Euphorbiaceae, called oyomokeso
amanke edem in Efik, geeron-tsuntsaayee
(bird ’s millet) in Hausa, ngwu in Ibo, ehin
olobe and yin-olobe in Yoruba.
The first study titled “The Effects of
Phyllanthus niruri Aqueous Extract on the
Activation of Murine Lymphocytes and Bone
Marrow-Derived Macrophages ” was
published in Immunological Investigations.
Murine relates to a rodent of the family
Muridae or subfamily Murinae, including
rats and mice. A lymphocyte is a type of
white blood cell in the vertebrate immune
system. It has two types B and T
lymphocytes. T lymphocytes play a central
role in immune responses, carrying out a
number of effector and regulatory
functions. They represent the CD4 and CD8
count, which are markers for the immune
Bone marrow derived macrophage (BMDM)
refers to a white blood cell that is generated
in a research laboratory from mammalian
bone marrow.
The researchers wrote: “Phyllanthus niruri
is acclaimed world-wide for its versatile
ethno-medicinal uses. It features in recipes
used by some herbalists to manage
different diseases, including claims of
efficacy against many life-threatening
infections, such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. In
order to understand the mechanisms and
the involvement of the immune system in
mediating these activities, the effects of the
aqueous extract of P. niruri on the
activation of murine lymphocytes and
macrophages were investigated.
“The study showed that the extract of P.
niruri is a potent murine lymphocytes
mitogen, inducing significant increases in
the expression of surface activation maker
(CD69) and proliferation of B and T
The production of interferon (IFN) and
interleukine-4 (IL-4) by P. niruri extract-
stimulated naïve splenocytes (the different
white blood cell types situated in the spleen
or purified from splenic tissue) cultures was
also significantly increased in a
concentration-dependent manner. ”
A mitogen is a chemical substance that
encourages a cell to commence cell division,
triggering mitosis. CD69 (Cluster of
Differentiation 69) is a human
transmembrane C-Type lectin protein
encoded by the CD69 gene. The activation
of T lymphocytes, both in vivo and in vitro,
induces expression of CD69.
The term “cytokine” has been used to refer
to the immuno-modulating agents, such as
interleukins and interferons. IFN-?, or type II
interferon, is a cytokine that is critical for
innate and adaptive immunity against viral
and intracellular bacterial infections and for
tumor control.
IL-4 is a cytokine that induces
differentiation of naive helper T cells. It has
many biological roles, including the
stimulation of activated B-cell and T-cell
The researchers concluded: “Various indices
of activation and functions murine bone
marrow-derived macrophages were
significantly enhanced by pre-treatment
with the extract, including phagocytosis,
lysosomal enzymes activity, and Tumour
Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF) release.
Phyllanthus niruri extract was also shown
to modulate nitric oxide release by
macrophages. These activities suggest that
stimulation of the immune system by the
extracts of P. niruri could be partly
responsible for the ethnomedicinal
applications in the management of
infectious diseases. ”
Phagocytosis is involved in the acquisition
of nutrients for some cells, and in the
immune system, it is a major mechanism
used to remove pathogens and cell debris.
Lysosomes are cellular organelles that
contain acid hydrolase enzymes to break up
waste materials and cellular debris.
Lysosomes are the cell ’s waste disposal
system and can break up anything.
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF, cachexin or
cachectin and formerly known as tumor
necrosis factor-alpha) is a cytokine involved
in systemic inflammation and is a member
of a group of cytokines that stimulate the
acute phase reaction. The primary role of
TNF is in the regulation of immune cells.
Nigerian researchers have also investigated
the effects of various concentrations of
aqueous extract of Phyllanthus niruri on
plasma glucose level and some hepato
specific markers in diabetic Wistar strain
The study was published in the Internet
Journal of Laboratory Medicine.
The lead researchers H. U. Nwanjo from the
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Imo State University wrote: “The classes of
chemical components of the aqueous
extract of the plant were determined;
alkaloids, flavonoids and saponins were
found to be present. Acute toxicity test in
rats gave an LD50 of 516.2 mg/kg. The
name LD50 comes from toxicology, the
study of poisons. It is an abbreviation for
‘ Lethal Dose, 50 per cent’ or median lethal
dose. It gives the amount of the substance
required (usually per body weight) to kill 50
per cent of the test population.
“In this study we observed that the
administrated of aqueous extract of P.
niruri at the doses of 120 and 240 mg/kg
body weight to diabetic rats not only
caused a significant decrease in blood
glucose but also has a significant effect in
controlling the loss of body weight, which is
caused during diabetes.
“There were no significant difference in
alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate
aminotransferase (AST), alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) activities as well as total,
conjugated and unconjugated billrubin
levels for the two experimental groups
respectively when compared with the
control group. The observations show that
the aqueous crude extract of Phyllanthus
niruri may have hypoglycaemic (low blood
glucose or low blood sugar) effect in
diabetic rats and that no evidence of
hepatotoxicity (implies chemical-driven liver
damage) of the extract was established.”
ALT is found in serum and in various bodily
tissues, but is most commonly associated
with the liver. It is commonly measured
clinically as a part of a diagnostic liver
function test, to determine liver health.
AST is similar to ALT in that it is another
enzyme associated with liver parenchymal
cells. The difference being ALT is found
predominately in the liver, with clinically
negligible quantities found in the kidneys,
heart, and skeletal muscle. AST is found in
the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, kidneys,
brain and red blood cells.
ALP is a hydrolase enzyme responsible for
removing phosphate groups from many
types of molecules, including nucleotides,
proteins, and alkaloids. The process of
removing the phosphate group is called
Bilirubin (formerly referred to as
hematoidin) is the yellow breakdown
product of normal haeme catabolism.
Haeme is found in haemoglobin, a principal
component of red blood cells. Bilirubin is
excreted in bile and urine, and elevated
levels may indicate certain diseases. It is
responsible for the yellow color of bruises,
urine (dubious – discuss) and the yellow
discoloration in jaundice.
A lot of researchers who worked on
Phyllanthus niruri confirmed that it has
hypoglycaemic properties. It has also been
used for the treatment of other disease
conditions in various parts of the world. It
has been shown an excellent remedy of
jaundice and infective hepatitis. It is
effective in jaundice in children. The plant is
of medicinal importance for numerous
ailments like dysentery, diuretics, kidney
stones, influenza, antibacterial, anti-
hyperglycaemic and antiviral.
A lot of researchers have shown that
Phyllanthus niruri has protective action on
the different body organs especially the
liver and the kidney, and that no form of
toxicity has been associated with the usage
of this plant.
Another study published in African Journal
of Biotechnology by researchers at the
Department of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
concluded: “The results of this study
showed that aerial parts of P. niruri have
great potentials as anti-diabetic remedy due
to the ability of its extract to lower blood
glucose and lipid levels in diabetic rats and
suppress postprandial rise in blood glucose
These effects reduce the risk of
complications associated with diabetes. It
may additionally protect the pancreas from
further damage through antioxidant effect
and effective glycaemic control.
“Chronic use may not cause any deleterious
effect on haematological indices and body
weight. The whole extract of the aerial parts
may be more effective than the fractions
although this does not preclude the
isolation of hypoglycaemic constituents.
Studies on the effect of the plant extract on
peripheral glucose metabolism are
ongoing. ”
Researchers have also explored the
protective role of Phyllanthus niruri extract
on serum lipid profiles and oxidative stress
in hepatocytes of diabetic rats. The study
was published in African Journal of
Biotechnology by researchers at Imo State
They wrote: “Diabetes mellitus has been
associated with lipid abnormalities and
oxidative stress. Some phytochemical
properties have been shown to possess
antioxidant activities, improving the effects
of oxidative stress on diabetes. This present
investigations confirmed that untreated
diabetic rats were associated with lipid
abnormalities as indicated by high level of
total and Low density Lipoprotein (LDL)-
cholesterol, that is bad cholesterol,
triacylglycerols (the main constituent of
vegetable oil and animal fats) and low levels
of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol, that is good cholesterol, and
phospholipids (are a class of lipids and are a
major component of all cell membranes as
they can form lipid bilayers), compared to
non-diabetic rats (control).
“The aqueous extract of Phyllanthus niruri
significantly normalised the serum lipids
levels. The study also showed that
untreated diabetic rats were subjected to
oxidative stress as indicated by
significantly abnormal activities of their
scavenging enzymnes (superoxide
dismutase and catalase) and significantly
low levels of non-enzymic antioxidants
(Vitamin C, Vitamin E and reduced
glutathione) in liver and plasma when
compared with controls and in the extent of
lipid peroxidation (increased
malondialdehyde levels) in plasma and liver
cells. The aqueous extract of P. niruri
possessed antioxidant activities as shown
by increased activities of enzymic and non-
enzymic antioxidants and decrease in
malondialdehyde levels. ”
Catalase is a common enzyme found in
nearly all living organisms that are exposed
to oxygen, where it functions to catalyse
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to
water and oxygen.
Superoxide dismutase’s are a class of
enzymes that catalyze the dismutation of
superoxide into oxygen and hydrogen
peroxide. As such, they are an important
antioxidant defense in nearly all cells
exposed to oxygen.
Glutathione is an antioxidant, preventing
damage to important cellular components
caused by reactive oxygen species such as
free radicals and peroxides.
An antioxidant is a molecule capable of
inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that
transfers electrons from a substance to an
oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can
produce free radicals. In turn, these radicals
can start chain reactions that damage cells.
Antioxidants terminate these chain
reactions by removing free radical
intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation
reactions. They do this by being oxidised
themselves, so antioxidants are often
reducing agents such as thiols, ascorbic acid
or polyphenols.
It has been shown that although oxidation
reactions are crucial for life, they can also
be damaging; hence, plants and animals
maintain complex systems of multiple types
of antioxidants, such as glutathione, Vitamin
C, and Vitamin E as well as enzymes such as
catalase, superoxide dismutase and various
peroxidases. Low levels of antioxidants, or
inhibition of the antioxidant enzymes,
cause oxidative stress and may damage or
kill cells.
As oxidative stress might be an important
part of many human diseases, the use of
antioxidants in pharmacology is intensively
studied, particularly as treatments for stroke
and neurodegenerative diseases. However,
it is unknown whether oxidative stress is
the cause or the consequence of disease.
Lipid peroxidation refers to the oxidative
degradation of lipids. It is the process in
which free radicals “steal” electrons from
the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell
promise in boosting immune functions
and controlling blood glucose or managing
RESEARCHERS have validated the folklore
uses of a local plant, Phyllanthus niruri, in
boosting the immune system against
infectious diseases such as Human Immuno-
deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and lowering of
sugar and cholesterol levels, and in the
prevention of heart diseases.
Phyllanthus niruri also known as “Chanca
pledra” belongs to the family
Euphorbiaceae. It is known as Enyikwonwa
in Ibo of the southeastern part of the
Phyllanthus niruri is similar to Phyllanthus
amarus, which also belongs to the plant
family Euphorbiaceae, called oyomokeso
amanke edem in Efik, geeron-tsuntsaayee
(bird ’s millet) in Hausa, ngwu in Ibo, ehin
olobe and yin-olobe in Yoruba.
The first study titled “The Effects of
Phyllanthus niruri Aqueous Extract on the
Activation of Murine Lymphocytes and Bone
Marrow-Derived Macrophages ” was
published in Immunological Investigations.
Murine relates to a rodent of the family
Muridae or subfamily Murinae, including
rats and mice. A lymphocyte is a type of
white blood cell in the vertebrate immune
system. It has two types B and T
lymphocytes. T lymphocytes play a central
role in immune responses, carrying out a
number of effector and regulatory
functions. They represent the CD4 and CD8
count, which are markers for the immune
Bone marrow derived macrophage (BMDM)
refers to a white blood cell that is generated
in a research laboratory from mammalian
bone marrow.
The researchers wrote: “Phyllanthus niruri
is acclaimed world-wide for its versatile
ethno-medicinal uses. It features in recipes
used by some herbalists to manage
different diseases, including claims of
efficacy against many life-threatening
infections, such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. In
order to understand the mechanisms and
the involvement of the immune system in
mediating these activities, the effects of the
aqueous extract of P. niruri on the
activation of murine lymphocytes and
macrophages were investigated.
“The study showed that the extract of P.
niruri is a potent murine lymphocytes
mitogen, inducing significant increases in
the expression of surface activation maker
(CD69) and proliferation of B and T
The production of interferon (IFN) and
interleukine-4 (IL-4) by P. niruri extract-
stimulated naïve splenocytes (the different
white blood cell types situated in the spleen
or purified from splenic tissue) cultures was
also significantly increased in a
concentration-dependent manner. ”
A mitogen is a chemical substance that
encourages a cell to commence cell division,
triggering mitosis. CD69 (Cluster of
Differentiation 69) is a human
transmembrane C-Type lectin protein
encoded by the CD69 gene. The activation
of T lymphocytes, both in vivo and in vitro,
induces expression of CD69.
The term “cytokine” has been used to refer
to the immuno-modulating agents, such as
interleukins and interferons. IFN-?, or type II
interferon, is a cytokine that is critical for
innate and adaptive immunity against viral
and intracellular bacterial infections and for
tumor control.
IL-4 is a cytokine that induces
differentiation of naive helper T cells. It has
many biological roles, including the
stimulation of activated B-cell and T-cell
The researchers concluded: “Various indices
of activation and functions murine bone
marrow-derived macrophages were
significantly enhanced by pre-treatment
with the extract, including phagocytosis,
lysosomal enzymes activity, and Tumour
Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF) release.
Phyllanthus niruri extract was also shown
to modulate nitric oxide release by
macrophages. These activities suggest that
stimulation of the immune system by the
extracts of P. niruri could be partly
responsible for the ethnomedicinal
applications in the management of
infectious diseases. ”
Phagocytosis is involved in the acquisition
of nutrients for some cells, and in the
immune system, it is a major mechanism
used to remove pathogens and cell debris.
Lysosomes are cellular organelles that
contain acid hydrolase enzymes to break up
waste materials and cellular debris.
Lysosomes are the cell ’s waste disposal
system and can break up anything.
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF, cachexin or
cachectin and formerly known as tumor
necrosis factor-alpha) is a cytokine involved
in systemic inflammation and is a member
of a group of cytokines that stimulate the
acute phase reaction. The primary role of
TNF is in the regulation of immune cells.
Nigerian researchers have also investigated
the effects of various concentrations of
aqueous extract of Phyllanthus niruri on
plasma glucose level and some hepato
specific markers in diabetic Wistar strain
The study was published in the Internet
Journal of Laboratory Medicine.
The lead researchers H. U. Nwanjo from the
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Imo State University wrote: “The classes of
chemical components of the aqueous
extract of the plant were determined;
alkaloids, flavonoids and saponins were
found to be present. Acute toxicity test in
rats gave an LD50 of 516.2 mg/kg. The
name LD50 comes from toxicology, the
study of poisons. It is an abbreviation for
‘ Lethal Dose, 50 per cent’ or median lethal
dose. It gives the amount of the substance
required (usually per body weight) to kill 50
per cent of the test population.
“In this study we observed that the
administrated of aqueous extract of P.
niruri at the doses of 120 and 240 mg/kg
body weight to diabetic rats not only
caused a significant decrease in blood
glucose but also has a significant effect in
controlling the loss of body weight, which is
caused during diabetes.
“There were no significant difference in
alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate
aminotransferase (AST), alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) activities as well as total,
conjugated and unconjugated billrubin
levels for the two experimental groups
respectively when compared with the
control group. The observations show that
the aqueous crude extract of Phyllanthus
niruri may have hypoglycaemic (low blood
glucose or low blood sugar) effect in
diabetic rats and that no evidence of
hepatotoxicity (implies chemical-driven liver
damage) of the extract was established.”
ALT is found in serum and in various bodily
tissues, but is most commonly associated
with the liver. It is commonly measured
clinically as a part of a diagnostic liver
function test, to determine liver health.
AST is similar to ALT in that it is another
enzyme associated with liver parenchymal
cells. The difference being ALT is found
predominately in the liver, with clinically
negligible quantities found in the kidneys,
heart, and skeletal muscle. AST is found in
the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, kidneys,
brain and red blood cells.
ALP is a hydrolase enzyme responsible for
removing phosphate groups from many
types of molecules, including nucleotides,
proteins, and alkaloids. The process of
removing the phosphate group is called
Bilirubin (formerly referred to as
hematoidin) is the yellow breakdown
product of normal haeme catabolism.
Haeme is found in haemoglobin, a principal
component of red blood cells. Bilirubin is
excreted in bile and urine, and elevated
levels may indicate certain diseases. It is
responsible for the yellow color of bruises,
urine (dubious – discuss) and the yellow
discoloration in jaundice.
A lot of researchers who worked on
Phyllanthus niruri confirmed that it has
hypoglycaemic properties. It has also been
used for the treatment of other disease
conditions in various parts of the world. It
has been shown an excellent remedy of
jaundice and infective hepatitis. It is
effective in jaundice in children. The plant is
of medicinal importance for numerous
ailments like dysentery, diuretics, kidney
stones, influenza, antibacterial, anti-
hyperglycaemic and antiviral.
A lot of researchers have shown that
Phyllanthus niruri has protective action on
the different body organs especially the
liver and the kidney, and that no form of
toxicity has been associated with the usage
of this plant.
Another study published in African Journal
of Biotechnology by researchers at the
Department of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
concluded: “The results of this study
showed that aerial parts of P. niruri have
great potentials as anti-diabetic remedy due
to the ability of its extract to lower blood
glucose and lipid levels in diabetic rats and
suppress postprandial rise in blood glucose
These effects reduce the risk of
complications associated with diabetes. It
may additionally protect the pancreas from
further damage through antioxidant effect
and effective glycaemic control.
“Chronic use may not cause any deleterious
effect on haematological indices and body
weight. The whole extract of the aerial parts
may be more effective than the fractions
although this does not preclude the
isolation of hypoglycaemic constituents.
Studies on the effect of the plant extract on
peripheral glucose metabolism are
ongoing. ”
Researchers have also explored the
protective role of Phyllanthus niruri extract
on serum lipid profiles and oxidative stress
in hepatocytes of diabetic rats. The study
was published in African Journal of
Biotechnology by researchers at Imo State
They wrote: “Diabetes mellitus has been
associated with lipid abnormalities and
oxidative stress. Some phytochemical
properties have been shown to possess
antioxidant activities, improving the effects
of oxidative stress on diabetes. This present
investigations confirmed that untreated
diabetic rats were associated with lipid
abnormalities as indicated by high level of
total and Low density Lipoprotein (LDL)-
cholesterol, that is bad cholesterol,
triacylglycerols (the main constituent of
vegetable oil and animal fats) and low levels
of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol, that is good cholesterol, and
phospholipids (are a class of lipids and are a
major component of all cell membranes as
they can form lipid bilayers), compared to
non-diabetic rats (control).
“The aqueous extract of Phyllanthus niruri
significantly normalised the serum lipids
levels. The study also showed that
untreated diabetic rats were subjected to
oxidative stress as indicated by
significantly abnormal activities of their
scavenging enzymnes (superoxide
dismutase and catalase) and significantly
low levels of non-enzymic antioxidants
(Vitamin C, Vitamin E and reduced
glutathione) in liver and plasma when
compared with controls and in the extent of
lipid peroxidation (increased
malondialdehyde levels) in plasma and liver
cells. The aqueous extract of P. niruri
possessed antioxidant activities as shown
by increased activities of enzymic and non-
enzymic antioxidants and decrease in
malondialdehyde levels. ”
Catalase is a common enzyme found in
nearly all living organisms that are exposed
to oxygen, where it functions to catalyse
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to
water and oxygen.
Superoxide dismutase’s are a class of
enzymes that catalyze the dismutation of
superoxide into oxygen and hydrogen
peroxide. As such, they are an important
antioxidant defense in nearly all cells
exposed to oxygen.
Glutathione is an antioxidant, preventing
damage to important cellular components
caused by reactive oxygen species such as
free radicals and peroxides.
An antioxidant is a molecule capable of
inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that
transfers electrons from a substance to an
oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can
produce free radicals. In turn, these radicals
can start chain reactions that damage cells.
Antioxidants terminate these chain
reactions by removing free radical
intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation
reactions. They do this by being oxidised
themselves, so antioxidants are often
reducing agents such as thiols, ascorbic acid
or polyphenols.
It has been shown that although oxidation
reactions are crucial for life, they can also
be damaging; hence, plants and animals
maintain complex systems of multiple types
of antioxidants, such as glutathione, Vitamin
C, and Vitamin E as well as enzymes such as
catalase, superoxide dismutase and various
peroxidases. Low levels of antioxidants, or
inhibition of the antioxidant enzymes,
cause oxidative stress and may damage or
kill cells.
As oxidative stress might be an important
part of many human diseases, the use of
antioxidants in pharmacology is intensively
studied, particularly as treatments for stroke
and neurodegenerative diseases. However,
it is unknown whether oxidative stress is
the cause or the consequence of disease.
Lipid peroxidation refers to the oxidative
degradation of lipids. It is the process in
which free radicals “steal” electrons from
the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Why garlic oil prevent bumps
Scientists have reasons to believe that garlic
may be an attractive therapeutic approach
for bumps, a common problem many men
that shave their hair always wants to avoid.
This is based on garlic containing chemical
substances been able to prevent processes
that eventually result to bumps forming.
They suggested in The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine
that garlic has a considerable potential as
new therapeutic or preventive challenges
for keloid formation and that its extract
should be added as a novel addition to
Antikeloid Armamentarium considering its
tremendous effectiveness in many
Garlic has long been used as a folk medicine.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that
a garlic extract and its sulfur-containing
compounds that inhibit the process that
causes cell proliferation, immune response
and other processes that eventually lead to
a wound healing while leaving behind
While pointing out why garlic may be
helpful in preventing keloids, they said a
previous study had demonstrated that
garlicin, a commercial garlic product, could
inhibit formation of keloids. “This study
strongly supports our commentary on the
potential utility of garlic extract against
keloid formation. Our commentary justifies
and encourages the conduction of clinical
trials on this subject,” they submitted.
may be an attractive therapeutic approach
for bumps, a common problem many men
that shave their hair always wants to avoid.
This is based on garlic containing chemical
substances been able to prevent processes
that eventually result to bumps forming.
They suggested in The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine
that garlic has a considerable potential as
new therapeutic or preventive challenges
for keloid formation and that its extract
should be added as a novel addition to
Antikeloid Armamentarium considering its
tremendous effectiveness in many
Garlic has long been used as a folk medicine.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that
a garlic extract and its sulfur-containing
compounds that inhibit the process that
causes cell proliferation, immune response
and other processes that eventually lead to
a wound healing while leaving behind
While pointing out why garlic may be
helpful in preventing keloids, they said a
previous study had demonstrated that
garlicin, a commercial garlic product, could
inhibit formation of keloids. “This study
strongly supports our commentary on the
potential utility of garlic extract against
keloid formation. Our commentary justifies
and encourages the conduction of clinical
trials on this subject,” they submitted.
In measuring a person’s blood pressure, the
physician takes two readings; the high and
the low. The highest pressure the heart
produces as it pumps blood into the arteries
is called the systolic pressure. The low
reading, called the diastolic, is a measure of
the pressure that remains in the arteries just
before the next heartbeat takes place.
The average normal blood pressure in a
young adult is one-twenty over eighty
(120/80); that is 120 millimetres for the
systolic pressure and 80 millimetres for the
diastolic. It is important to realize that no
fixed value exists for the blood pressure
and that the standard figure of 120/80 is
really the average of a fairly wide range.
The normal range for blood pressure in a
healthy young adult is 90 to 140 for the
systolic and 60 to 90 for the diastolic.
Therefore, persistent readings above 140
systolic and 90 diastolic actually indicate
hypertension or high blood pressure.
Many factors may cause high blood
pressure. Overeating, with resultant obesity
is a common cause, as well as hereditary
factors. Hypertension may also be an
unwanted side effect of drug treatment for
other diseases. Stress and business exertion
is a factor in high blood pressure.
Infections such as tonsillitis, and typhoid
fever, sometimes lead to kidney disease,
which may cause high blood pressure.
The main effects of high blood pressure
involve the heart and blood vessels.
Hypertension is one of the major risk
factors in the development of coronary
thrombosis (also known as myocardial
infarction or heart attack) as well as
coronary artery disease. It is also an
important factor in the development of a
STROKE, whether caused by brain
haemorrhage or blood clots in the blood
vessels of the brain.
It is strongly advocated
that the best way to prevent or control
hypertension is by going back to Nature in
terms of dietary intake and socio-
psychological life styles. To keep the
pressure down, one must control appetite
and maintain weight at normal or slightly
below normal level.
For effective control of blood pressure, the natural remedy being suggested
consists of natural extracts of herbs such as
Viscum album, Allium cepa, Allium sativum
and Verbena hastata.
physician takes two readings; the high and
the low. The highest pressure the heart
produces as it pumps blood into the arteries
is called the systolic pressure. The low
reading, called the diastolic, is a measure of
the pressure that remains in the arteries just
before the next heartbeat takes place.
The average normal blood pressure in a
young adult is one-twenty over eighty
(120/80); that is 120 millimetres for the
systolic pressure and 80 millimetres for the
diastolic. It is important to realize that no
fixed value exists for the blood pressure
and that the standard figure of 120/80 is
really the average of a fairly wide range.
The normal range for blood pressure in a
healthy young adult is 90 to 140 for the
systolic and 60 to 90 for the diastolic.
Therefore, persistent readings above 140
systolic and 90 diastolic actually indicate
hypertension or high blood pressure.
Many factors may cause high blood
pressure. Overeating, with resultant obesity
is a common cause, as well as hereditary
factors. Hypertension may also be an
unwanted side effect of drug treatment for
other diseases. Stress and business exertion
is a factor in high blood pressure.
Infections such as tonsillitis, and typhoid
fever, sometimes lead to kidney disease,
which may cause high blood pressure.
The main effects of high blood pressure
involve the heart and blood vessels.
Hypertension is one of the major risk
factors in the development of coronary
thrombosis (also known as myocardial
infarction or heart attack) as well as
coronary artery disease. It is also an
important factor in the development of a
STROKE, whether caused by brain
haemorrhage or blood clots in the blood
vessels of the brain.
It is strongly advocated
that the best way to prevent or control
hypertension is by going back to Nature in
terms of dietary intake and socio-
psychological life styles. To keep the
pressure down, one must control appetite
and maintain weight at normal or slightly
below normal level.
For effective control of blood pressure, the natural remedy being suggested
consists of natural extracts of herbs such as
Viscum album, Allium cepa, Allium sativum
and Verbena hastata.
Prostate enlargement
Prostate enlargement is generally a disease
of elderly men; and it is characterized by
urine retention, leading to severe pains,
anxiety, discomfort, and sometimes, loss of
The full function of the prostate is not yet
fully understood by scientists all over the
world. However, it is known that as a gland,
it produces fluid called ‘semen’ which is
released by men, at the climax of sexual
activity. The prostate gland will only grow
and function under the influence of male
hormones, the most important of which is
called TESTOSTERONE, produced from the
The prostate gland surrounds the neck of
the bladder and the first part of the urethra
goes through it. An enlarged prostate,
presses on the urethra and decreases the
size of the opening through it, or it forms a
dam which holds back part of the urine.
The causes of prostate enlargement are not
very precise, but they are associated with
hormonal imbalance; and available
information indicates that most men who
use drugs to improve their sexual
performance tend to activate the level of
their Testosterone hormone beyond the
threshold, and consequently, they often end
up developing prostate enlargement and
related complications.
The enlargement can be a simple type called
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or it may be
cancerous, that is, Malignant Prostatic
Hyperplasia. Both the benign and malignant
types usually present similar symptoms of
frequency in urination, hesitancy, urgency,
trickling flow of urine and in advanced
stages, there is acute urine retention as a
result of blockage of the urinary tract.
A man suffering from enlarged prostate will
first notice that he has to get up oftener
than usual, to pass urine at night. The
stream will be small and slow to start. A long
time may be required to empty the bladder.
Many men with enlarged prostate may have
no further disturbance than the “nuisance”
symptoms stated earlier. Other cases will get
worse until the patient cannot empty the
bladder, and must resort to a catheter for
Prostate enlargement is not new in African
context. In fact, ethno-medicinal research
has shown that herbal remedies are very
effective, without complications or side
The natural remedy being suggested
for Prostate Enlargement is a combination
of natural extracts of herbs such as Saw
Palmetto, Cocos nucifera, Khaya ivorensis
and Lycopersicum esculentum.
of elderly men; and it is characterized by
urine retention, leading to severe pains,
anxiety, discomfort, and sometimes, loss of
The full function of the prostate is not yet
fully understood by scientists all over the
world. However, it is known that as a gland,
it produces fluid called ‘semen’ which is
released by men, at the climax of sexual
activity. The prostate gland will only grow
and function under the influence of male
hormones, the most important of which is
called TESTOSTERONE, produced from the
The prostate gland surrounds the neck of
the bladder and the first part of the urethra
goes through it. An enlarged prostate,
presses on the urethra and decreases the
size of the opening through it, or it forms a
dam which holds back part of the urine.
The causes of prostate enlargement are not
very precise, but they are associated with
hormonal imbalance; and available
information indicates that most men who
use drugs to improve their sexual
performance tend to activate the level of
their Testosterone hormone beyond the
threshold, and consequently, they often end
up developing prostate enlargement and
related complications.
The enlargement can be a simple type called
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or it may be
cancerous, that is, Malignant Prostatic
Hyperplasia. Both the benign and malignant
types usually present similar symptoms of
frequency in urination, hesitancy, urgency,
trickling flow of urine and in advanced
stages, there is acute urine retention as a
result of blockage of the urinary tract.
A man suffering from enlarged prostate will
first notice that he has to get up oftener
than usual, to pass urine at night. The
stream will be small and slow to start. A long
time may be required to empty the bladder.
Many men with enlarged prostate may have
no further disturbance than the “nuisance”
symptoms stated earlier. Other cases will get
worse until the patient cannot empty the
bladder, and must resort to a catheter for
Prostate enlargement is not new in African
context. In fact, ethno-medicinal research
has shown that herbal remedies are very
effective, without complications or side
The natural remedy being suggested
for Prostate Enlargement is a combination
of natural extracts of herbs such as Saw
Palmetto, Cocos nucifera, Khaya ivorensis
and Lycopersicum esculentum.
Fibroids are tumors of the womb, consisting
of muscle and some fibrous tissue. They are
benign and are the most common of all
uterine tumors.
It is usually discrete, round, firm and often
multiple. They can be as small as an orange
seed or as big as the head of a newly born
baby. They can be totally symptomless or
can be so worrisome as to become an
The disease occurs three times more
frequent in black women than white.
Fibroid has been a major cause of infertility
and the various pregnancy related deaths in
Nigerian women. It may grow silently and
progressively over a period of five to 10
years; and may be so big in the abdomen
that it may be mistaken for normal
pregnancy. However, some women with
fibroid still get pregnant and some even
deliver successfully with the fibroid.
Clinical evidence suggests that the
development of fibroid is related to the
action of estrogen, a hormone produced by
the ovary. Fibroids arise during the period
of menstrual activity. They do not originate
as a new growth once menstruation has
ceased (menopause). Non-utilized and
under-utilized uterus in the productive age,
as well as use of oestrogenic contraceptive
pills would enhance the occurrence of
Smptoms of include; increased abdomen,
frequent urination, painful menstruation
and heavy bleeding (often with anaemia
and fainting). They can give rise to severe
lower abdominal pains and headaches.
There may be multiple menstruations in one
month, which may be accompanied by the
passage of blood clots. Fibroids can be
detected accidentally by the physician
either during physical examination or via
ultrasound scan for infertility or related
abdominal ailments.
It is strongly advised
that women (or ladies) should avoid the
abuse of contraceptives and unnecessary
delay of pregnancy for too long a period
during the reproductive age. They should
take proper care of venereal diseases and
avoid frequent and excessive abortion
(especially with D and C).
The natural remedy being advanced
for the control and total cure of fibroids is a
combination of natural extracts of Ricinus
communis, Aframomum melegueta, Cocos
nucifera and Xylopia aethiopica.
of muscle and some fibrous tissue. They are
benign and are the most common of all
uterine tumors.
It is usually discrete, round, firm and often
multiple. They can be as small as an orange
seed or as big as the head of a newly born
baby. They can be totally symptomless or
can be so worrisome as to become an
The disease occurs three times more
frequent in black women than white.
Fibroid has been a major cause of infertility
and the various pregnancy related deaths in
Nigerian women. It may grow silently and
progressively over a period of five to 10
years; and may be so big in the abdomen
that it may be mistaken for normal
pregnancy. However, some women with
fibroid still get pregnant and some even
deliver successfully with the fibroid.
Clinical evidence suggests that the
development of fibroid is related to the
action of estrogen, a hormone produced by
the ovary. Fibroids arise during the period
of menstrual activity. They do not originate
as a new growth once menstruation has
ceased (menopause). Non-utilized and
under-utilized uterus in the productive age,
as well as use of oestrogenic contraceptive
pills would enhance the occurrence of
Smptoms of include; increased abdomen,
frequent urination, painful menstruation
and heavy bleeding (often with anaemia
and fainting). They can give rise to severe
lower abdominal pains and headaches.
There may be multiple menstruations in one
month, which may be accompanied by the
passage of blood clots. Fibroids can be
detected accidentally by the physician
either during physical examination or via
ultrasound scan for infertility or related
abdominal ailments.
It is strongly advised
that women (or ladies) should avoid the
abuse of contraceptives and unnecessary
delay of pregnancy for too long a period
during the reproductive age. They should
take proper care of venereal diseases and
avoid frequent and excessive abortion
(especially with D and C).
The natural remedy being advanced
for the control and total cure of fibroids is a
combination of natural extracts of Ricinus
communis, Aframomum melegueta, Cocos
nucifera and Xylopia aethiopica.
Worried by blocked nose, pimples? Try shea butter
Western countries are just beginning to
recognise the considerable health and
beauty benefits of shea butter, something
Africans have known for thousands of
years. Shea nut, known as Kandayi, Osisi
and Emi among the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba
people of Nigeria, respectively, is obtained
from the fruit of shea tree (Vitellaria
paradoxa), which exists in the wild and
grows in an uncultivated state in most parts
of Africa.
Shea fruit is made up of a green epicarp, a
fleshy pulp and a relatively hard shell, which
encloses the shea kernel. The kernel
contains about 60 per cent edible fat (shea
butter) and the residual product, from
which the butter is extracted (shea cake), is
an excellent ingredient for livestock feed
Shea butter is good as table oil because of
its high nutritive value. It is widely used
locally for curing leprosy and other
ailments. According to the American Shea
Butter Institute, 100 per cent pure natural
shea butter is an all-natural vitamin A cream
shown to be a good moisturiser, with
exceptional skin healing properties. Quality
characteristics of skin conditions where 100
per cent shea butter has been proved to be
effective are dry skin, skin rash, skin
peeling after tanning, blemishes and
wrinkles, itching skin, chapped lips,
sunburn, small skin wounds, skin cracks and
tough or rough skin (on feet).
Others are stretch mark prevention during
pregnancy, insect bites, healthy skin, muscle
fatigue, aches and tension, skin allergies
such as poison ivy or poison oaks, pimples,
rashes and skin damage from heat.
Experts say shea butter tree is also valued
medicinally for soothing arthritic pains,
reducing swelling, treating skin problems,
and as an antiseptic for the treatment of
A field study carried out by Andrew A.
Erakhrumen from the Department of Forest
Resources Management, University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, on uses of different trees,
reported that shea butter oil in South
Western part of Nigeria is used for
treatment of bees and wasp sting,
diarrhoea, anti-venom and anti-poison, for
rheumatism, waist pain, yellow fever and
rheumatic pains.
The waste water from shea butter
production is used as an insecticide; shea
butter is also used to treat inflammation,
rashes in children, dermatitis, sunburn,
chapping, irritation, ulcers and as a rub for
rheumatism. Its leaves are used for the
treatment of fracture, conjunctivitis,
trachoma, convulsion, stomach-ache and
Shea butter tree bark is said to be used for
the treatment of dysentery, haemorrhoids,
schistosomiasis, coughs, jaundice, nausea,
diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, fever,
and as an eye lotion. Its roots are used for
the treatment of female sterility, gastritis,
liver cancer, ascites, sores, jaundice,
diarrhea and stomach-ache, as well as
chewing stick.
Among the most popular essential oils used
for medicinal uses in Northern Nigeria are
oils extracted from the seeds of mahogany
oil, castor seed oil, shea butter oil, neem
seed oil and sesame oil. Shea butter oil is
made from the seeds of shea butter tree
and it is mostly kept by traditional
midwives and used as an antiseptic to treat
the umbilical cord. It is also applied to
wounds and cuts, particularly those inflicted
by sharp objects such as in farming (anti-
tetanus). It is also used by bone setters to
treat fractures and arthritis of the bone.
Writing on the potential benefits of shea
butter to prevent aging of the skin, in the
2005 edition of European Journal of
Scientific Research, a group of scientists,
namely Odukoya, OA, Jenkins, OM, Ilori, OO,
Sofidiya, OM from the Faculty of Pharmacy,
College of Medicine, University of Lagos,
stated that shea butter works better in
protecting the skin from dryness by
moisturizing and softening the skin than
other products such as castor oil and olive
According to them, rubbing such natural
skin moisturizers like shea butter, coconut
oil and palm kernel oil could be of use as
preventive therapy for wrinkle, sun burn
and UV-induced cancer.
According to them, shea butter is
incorporated in skin products because the
natural latex contained in it prevents certain
sun allergies, supports cell regeneration and
blood circulation, thus encouraging the
healing process from scars.
A proximate analysis of shea-butter leaves
found it to be a good source of iron,
magnesium and potassium as well as three
important amino acids (valine,
phenylalanine and leucine) essential for
According to their finding in the 2009
edition of African Journal of
Biotechnology, Taiwo A. Abidemi from the
Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta,
Ogun State in collaboration with Oyedepo J.
Adebayo, Oluwadare Idowu and M. O.
Agbotoba, stated that its protein content
makes it nutritionally a good plant protein,
which can supplement animal protein,
thereby alleviating kwashiorkor and
According to them: “By inference, shea
butter leaves will supplement other sources
of dietary iron in man if eaten, and since its
magnesium content is very high, it implies
that adequate consumption of the leaf
would satisfy the recommended daily
allowance when eaten in conjunction with
other sources of dietary magnesium.”
A preliminary assessment of the stem bark
extracts of shea butter against enteric
infections such as diarrhea, dysentery,
worm infestation and other gastrointestinal
tract infections, skin diseases and wound
infections also found that there was a
scientific basis for the use of this plant in
traditional medicine for these diseases.
The 2008 study was published in the
African Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology, by El-Mahmood, A. M,
Doughari, J. H. and Ladan, N from the
Department of Microbiology, School of Pure
and Applied Sciences, Federal University of
Technology, Yola, Adamawa State.
The seed of shea butter relieves blocked
nostrils. This traditional method of relieving
nasal congestion, a research in the British
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology tried out in
some participants suffering from rhinitis
with moderate to severe nasal congestion.
They were divided into the test group,
which received shea butter, the control
group, which was treated with
xylometazoline and the ‘placebo’ group
which received white petroleum jelly B.P.
The author wrote: “The results showed that
nasal congestion was relieved more
satisfactorily in the test group than in the
other two groups. It is concluded that shea
butter may prove more efficacious in nasal
congestion than conventional nasal drops.”
The usefulness of shea butter in the
management of sinusitis and relief of nasal
congestion has been attributed to its
hydrating properties, which help in relaxing
the tension in the face skin, thus easing
respiration. However, there is a warning;
shea butter is not recommended for people
with nut or latex allergies.
recognise the considerable health and
beauty benefits of shea butter, something
Africans have known for thousands of
years. Shea nut, known as Kandayi, Osisi
and Emi among the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba
people of Nigeria, respectively, is obtained
from the fruit of shea tree (Vitellaria
paradoxa), which exists in the wild and
grows in an uncultivated state in most parts
of Africa.
Shea fruit is made up of a green epicarp, a
fleshy pulp and a relatively hard shell, which
encloses the shea kernel. The kernel
contains about 60 per cent edible fat (shea
butter) and the residual product, from
which the butter is extracted (shea cake), is
an excellent ingredient for livestock feed
Shea butter is good as table oil because of
its high nutritive value. It is widely used
locally for curing leprosy and other
ailments. According to the American Shea
Butter Institute, 100 per cent pure natural
shea butter is an all-natural vitamin A cream
shown to be a good moisturiser, with
exceptional skin healing properties. Quality
characteristics of skin conditions where 100
per cent shea butter has been proved to be
effective are dry skin, skin rash, skin
peeling after tanning, blemishes and
wrinkles, itching skin, chapped lips,
sunburn, small skin wounds, skin cracks and
tough or rough skin (on feet).
Others are stretch mark prevention during
pregnancy, insect bites, healthy skin, muscle
fatigue, aches and tension, skin allergies
such as poison ivy or poison oaks, pimples,
rashes and skin damage from heat.
Experts say shea butter tree is also valued
medicinally for soothing arthritic pains,
reducing swelling, treating skin problems,
and as an antiseptic for the treatment of
A field study carried out by Andrew A.
Erakhrumen from the Department of Forest
Resources Management, University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, on uses of different trees,
reported that shea butter oil in South
Western part of Nigeria is used for
treatment of bees and wasp sting,
diarrhoea, anti-venom and anti-poison, for
rheumatism, waist pain, yellow fever and
rheumatic pains.
The waste water from shea butter
production is used as an insecticide; shea
butter is also used to treat inflammation,
rashes in children, dermatitis, sunburn,
chapping, irritation, ulcers and as a rub for
rheumatism. Its leaves are used for the
treatment of fracture, conjunctivitis,
trachoma, convulsion, stomach-ache and
Shea butter tree bark is said to be used for
the treatment of dysentery, haemorrhoids,
schistosomiasis, coughs, jaundice, nausea,
diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, fever,
and as an eye lotion. Its roots are used for
the treatment of female sterility, gastritis,
liver cancer, ascites, sores, jaundice,
diarrhea and stomach-ache, as well as
chewing stick.
Among the most popular essential oils used
for medicinal uses in Northern Nigeria are
oils extracted from the seeds of mahogany
oil, castor seed oil, shea butter oil, neem
seed oil and sesame oil. Shea butter oil is
made from the seeds of shea butter tree
and it is mostly kept by traditional
midwives and used as an antiseptic to treat
the umbilical cord. It is also applied to
wounds and cuts, particularly those inflicted
by sharp objects such as in farming (anti-
tetanus). It is also used by bone setters to
treat fractures and arthritis of the bone.
Writing on the potential benefits of shea
butter to prevent aging of the skin, in the
2005 edition of European Journal of
Scientific Research, a group of scientists,
namely Odukoya, OA, Jenkins, OM, Ilori, OO,
Sofidiya, OM from the Faculty of Pharmacy,
College of Medicine, University of Lagos,
stated that shea butter works better in
protecting the skin from dryness by
moisturizing and softening the skin than
other products such as castor oil and olive
According to them, rubbing such natural
skin moisturizers like shea butter, coconut
oil and palm kernel oil could be of use as
preventive therapy for wrinkle, sun burn
and UV-induced cancer.
According to them, shea butter is
incorporated in skin products because the
natural latex contained in it prevents certain
sun allergies, supports cell regeneration and
blood circulation, thus encouraging the
healing process from scars.
A proximate analysis of shea-butter leaves
found it to be a good source of iron,
magnesium and potassium as well as three
important amino acids (valine,
phenylalanine and leucine) essential for
According to their finding in the 2009
edition of African Journal of
Biotechnology, Taiwo A. Abidemi from the
Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta,
Ogun State in collaboration with Oyedepo J.
Adebayo, Oluwadare Idowu and M. O.
Agbotoba, stated that its protein content
makes it nutritionally a good plant protein,
which can supplement animal protein,
thereby alleviating kwashiorkor and
According to them: “By inference, shea
butter leaves will supplement other sources
of dietary iron in man if eaten, and since its
magnesium content is very high, it implies
that adequate consumption of the leaf
would satisfy the recommended daily
allowance when eaten in conjunction with
other sources of dietary magnesium.”
A preliminary assessment of the stem bark
extracts of shea butter against enteric
infections such as diarrhea, dysentery,
worm infestation and other gastrointestinal
tract infections, skin diseases and wound
infections also found that there was a
scientific basis for the use of this plant in
traditional medicine for these diseases.
The 2008 study was published in the
African Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology, by El-Mahmood, A. M,
Doughari, J. H. and Ladan, N from the
Department of Microbiology, School of Pure
and Applied Sciences, Federal University of
Technology, Yola, Adamawa State.
The seed of shea butter relieves blocked
nostrils. This traditional method of relieving
nasal congestion, a research in the British
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology tried out in
some participants suffering from rhinitis
with moderate to severe nasal congestion.
They were divided into the test group,
which received shea butter, the control
group, which was treated with
xylometazoline and the ‘placebo’ group
which received white petroleum jelly B.P.
The author wrote: “The results showed that
nasal congestion was relieved more
satisfactorily in the test group than in the
other two groups. It is concluded that shea
butter may prove more efficacious in nasal
congestion than conventional nasal drops.”
The usefulness of shea butter in the
management of sinusitis and relief of nasal
congestion has been attributed to its
hydrating properties, which help in relaxing
the tension in the face skin, thus easing
respiration. However, there is a warning;
shea butter is not recommended for people
with nut or latex allergies.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver.
Unless further qualified, the term is usually
taken to refer to a virus infection of the
liver; also known as “infectious hepatitis”.
Hepatitis is also (occasionally) a result of a
bacterial, protozoan or other microbial
infection. There is also Toxic hepatitis which
is caused by poisoning of the liver with
various chemicals (such as industrial
solvents), drugs, or (very rarely) general
Virus hepatitis occurs in two basic forms,
one of which is called infectious hepatitis
(or hepatitis A) and the other, serum
hepatitis (or hepatitis B), which is also
In Hepatitis B, transmission is mainly by the
injection or transfusion of contaminated
blood or blood products, or by accidental
skin pricks or other injuries caused by
contaminated needles or other sharp
objects. Transmission also occurs from
inadequately sterilized hypodermic needles,
syringes, surgical and dental instruments,
tattooing instruments and razors.
Hepatitis B is also common among narcotic
addicts and others who use unsterile
syringes for drug injections.
The virus which causes hepatitis A, by
contrast, is mostly transmitted in the faeces.
Although it can be spread by blood
transfusion, the main route is from infective
faeces to the mouth via the hands or
objects contaminated with the faeces.
The patient with hepatitis may notice little
or nothing wrong, but in more severe cases,
the patient will have fever, headache,
nausea and vomiting, a severe loss of
appetite and aching in the muscles. Then
jaundice, caused by an accumulation of
yellow bile pigment in the blood, appears
after a few days or, in some cases, a week
or two from the onset of the symptoms.
The liver may become enlarged and tender
and may develop cirrhosis. The conditions
may lead to death from liver failure.
Hepatitis patients are
strongly advised to have adequate bed rest,
with proper care in the handling of infected
excreta. Alcoholic beverages should be
strictly avoided.
The remedy being suggested for
total cure of Hepatitis is a combination of
natural extracts of Eugenia caryophylatta,
Musa cavendichii, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina and Capsicum frutescens,.
Unless further qualified, the term is usually
taken to refer to a virus infection of the
liver; also known as “infectious hepatitis”.
Hepatitis is also (occasionally) a result of a
bacterial, protozoan or other microbial
infection. There is also Toxic hepatitis which
is caused by poisoning of the liver with
various chemicals (such as industrial
solvents), drugs, or (very rarely) general
Virus hepatitis occurs in two basic forms,
one of which is called infectious hepatitis
(or hepatitis A) and the other, serum
hepatitis (or hepatitis B), which is also
In Hepatitis B, transmission is mainly by the
injection or transfusion of contaminated
blood or blood products, or by accidental
skin pricks or other injuries caused by
contaminated needles or other sharp
objects. Transmission also occurs from
inadequately sterilized hypodermic needles,
syringes, surgical and dental instruments,
tattooing instruments and razors.
Hepatitis B is also common among narcotic
addicts and others who use unsterile
syringes for drug injections.
The virus which causes hepatitis A, by
contrast, is mostly transmitted in the faeces.
Although it can be spread by blood
transfusion, the main route is from infective
faeces to the mouth via the hands or
objects contaminated with the faeces.
The patient with hepatitis may notice little
or nothing wrong, but in more severe cases,
the patient will have fever, headache,
nausea and vomiting, a severe loss of
appetite and aching in the muscles. Then
jaundice, caused by an accumulation of
yellow bile pigment in the blood, appears
after a few days or, in some cases, a week
or two from the onset of the symptoms.
The liver may become enlarged and tender
and may develop cirrhosis. The conditions
may lead to death from liver failure.
Hepatitis patients are
strongly advised to have adequate bed rest,
with proper care in the handling of infected
excreta. Alcoholic beverages should be
strictly avoided.
The remedy being suggested for
total cure of Hepatitis is a combination of
natural extracts of Eugenia caryophylatta,
Musa cavendichii, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina and Capsicum frutescens,.
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is a kind of tumor that
threatens a woman’s life. But in order to
understand the full meaning of the term
cancer, we must explore the uses of the
word tumor. A tumor is an abnormal
enlargement of some part of the body.
The breast is the most common site of
cancer in women. It is very common for
some women to find swellings in the breast
which could start as a small lump in one
breast usually without pains initially, but
later the swellings could progress with
enlargements, unbearable pains and
pepperish sensations.
Breast cancer is devastating in nature
because it tends to spread early in the
course of the disease, to distant parts of the
body. When the cancer is detected early,
before colonies of cancer cells have
migrated to other parts of the body, the
natural intervention is quite successful.
In some cases, there could be resurgence of
the cancer in the second breast, in which
case, the patient may need to undergo
another surgical operation like the first one,
to get the other breast removed. There
could be attacks on some internal organs
like the heart and lung, the patients suffer
severe lower back pains, general weakness,
giddiness, pepperish sensations and
swellings (oedema) all over the body.
Women are becoming aware of the possible
tragic outcome of a “lump in the breast”. By
reporting this finding at once to her
physician, a woman can receive the
benefits of early treatment. Not all lumps in
the breast are cancerous. So, it is necessary
to differentiate between a benign tumor
(which is relatively harmless) and a
malignant one (which is deadly).
It is strongly advised that women conduct
self examination regularly. In making this
self examination, she should lie on her back
and use the flat surface of the palm and
fingers (not their tips) as she carefully and
systematically presses the various parts of
each breast against the muscle and ribs
which lie beneath.
In an older woman, past the menopause,
any discharge from the nipple, especially if
bloody in nature, is a serious omen and
should be reported promptly. It may be the
first indication of a beginning cancer.
The natural remedy being suggested
for Breast Cancer is a combination of
natural extracts of herbs such as Ekebergia
senegalensis, Lycopersicum esculentum,
Olax subscorpioidea and Vernonia
threatens a woman’s life. But in order to
understand the full meaning of the term
cancer, we must explore the uses of the
word tumor. A tumor is an abnormal
enlargement of some part of the body.
The breast is the most common site of
cancer in women. It is very common for
some women to find swellings in the breast
which could start as a small lump in one
breast usually without pains initially, but
later the swellings could progress with
enlargements, unbearable pains and
pepperish sensations.
Breast cancer is devastating in nature
because it tends to spread early in the
course of the disease, to distant parts of the
body. When the cancer is detected early,
before colonies of cancer cells have
migrated to other parts of the body, the
natural intervention is quite successful.
In some cases, there could be resurgence of
the cancer in the second breast, in which
case, the patient may need to undergo
another surgical operation like the first one,
to get the other breast removed. There
could be attacks on some internal organs
like the heart and lung, the patients suffer
severe lower back pains, general weakness,
giddiness, pepperish sensations and
swellings (oedema) all over the body.
Women are becoming aware of the possible
tragic outcome of a “lump in the breast”. By
reporting this finding at once to her
physician, a woman can receive the
benefits of early treatment. Not all lumps in
the breast are cancerous. So, it is necessary
to differentiate between a benign tumor
(which is relatively harmless) and a
malignant one (which is deadly).
It is strongly advised that women conduct
self examination regularly. In making this
self examination, she should lie on her back
and use the flat surface of the palm and
fingers (not their tips) as she carefully and
systematically presses the various parts of
each breast against the muscle and ribs
which lie beneath.
In an older woman, past the menopause,
any discharge from the nipple, especially if
bloody in nature, is a serious omen and
should be reported promptly. It may be the
first indication of a beginning cancer.
The natural remedy being suggested
for Breast Cancer is a combination of
natural extracts of herbs such as Ekebergia
senegalensis, Lycopersicum esculentum,
Olax subscorpioidea and Vernonia
Peptic ulcer
Peptic ulcers are erosions in the lining of the
digestive system; especially the lower part
of the oesophagus, the stomach and the
first part of the duodenum, caused by the
action of digestive juices (hydrochloric acid
and pepsin) secreted by the stomach.
Ulcers were at one time supposed to be the
diseases from which industrialists,
politicians and intellectually active persons,
beset with worries, suffered, but lately it
has been detected among manual labourers
Under normal circumstances, the lining of
the gut is able to withstand the action of the
digestive secretions. But when the natural
defence mechanisms of the body are
weakened by drugs, alcoholism, smoking,
poor nutrition, stress and anxiety,
malfunctioning and ulceration of the
digestive tract may occur.
Dietetic indiscretion such as overeating,
taking of heavy meals or highly spiced
foods, coffee, alcohol and smoking are the
main factors contributing to this condition.
Other causes are the ingestion of certain
drugs, food poisoning, certain infections
like influenza, septicaemia and toxins like
uraemia and gout, emotional disturbances,
stress, and nervous tension.
Usually the patient complains of upper
abdominal pain – variously described as
gnawing, burning, cramp-like or boring. As
the disease progresses, there is distension
of the stomach due to excessive flatulence,
mental tension, insomnia, bad temper and
gradual weakening of the body. Blood may
also be detected in the stool.
It is advisable to avoid foods which
stimulate excessive acid secretion – such as
tea, coffee, cola drinks and alcohol. Meals,
however, should be regular and frequent to
neutralize the acid that is produced.
The natural remedies are
aimed at reducing over-secretion of the
digestive juices, to neutralize the excess
acid after it has been secreted and to
increase the resistance of the gastro-
intestinal lining to the action of pepsin and
Above all, the patient must try to rid himself
of worries and stay cheerful. He should also
cultivate regularity in his habits – be it
work, exercise, or rest. It has to be
remembered that hyper-acidity does not
come up suddenly.
suggestion for
total cure of peptic ulcer is a combination of
natural extracts of Capsicum frutescens,
Entandrophragma utile, Glycyrrhiza glabra
and Musa paradisiaca.
digestive system; especially the lower part
of the oesophagus, the stomach and the
first part of the duodenum, caused by the
action of digestive juices (hydrochloric acid
and pepsin) secreted by the stomach.
Ulcers were at one time supposed to be the
diseases from which industrialists,
politicians and intellectually active persons,
beset with worries, suffered, but lately it
has been detected among manual labourers
Under normal circumstances, the lining of
the gut is able to withstand the action of the
digestive secretions. But when the natural
defence mechanisms of the body are
weakened by drugs, alcoholism, smoking,
poor nutrition, stress and anxiety,
malfunctioning and ulceration of the
digestive tract may occur.
Dietetic indiscretion such as overeating,
taking of heavy meals or highly spiced
foods, coffee, alcohol and smoking are the
main factors contributing to this condition.
Other causes are the ingestion of certain
drugs, food poisoning, certain infections
like influenza, septicaemia and toxins like
uraemia and gout, emotional disturbances,
stress, and nervous tension.
Usually the patient complains of upper
abdominal pain – variously described as
gnawing, burning, cramp-like or boring. As
the disease progresses, there is distension
of the stomach due to excessive flatulence,
mental tension, insomnia, bad temper and
gradual weakening of the body. Blood may
also be detected in the stool.
It is advisable to avoid foods which
stimulate excessive acid secretion – such as
tea, coffee, cola drinks and alcohol. Meals,
however, should be regular and frequent to
neutralize the acid that is produced.
The natural remedies are
aimed at reducing over-secretion of the
digestive juices, to neutralize the excess
acid after it has been secreted and to
increase the resistance of the gastro-
intestinal lining to the action of pepsin and
Above all, the patient must try to rid himself
of worries and stay cheerful. He should also
cultivate regularity in his habits – be it
work, exercise, or rest. It has to be
remembered that hyper-acidity does not
come up suddenly.
suggestion for
total cure of peptic ulcer is a combination of
natural extracts of Capsicum frutescens,
Entandrophragma utile, Glycyrrhiza glabra
and Musa paradisiaca.
Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases are popularly
called venereal diseases. They are
contagious diseases, easily transmitted by
sexual contact from an infected person to a
sexual partner who is otherwise healthy.
The germs causing these diseases vary a
great deal, but all depend on the warmth
and moisture of the sexual organs for
survival. They readily penetrate the delicate
skin and moist membranes that come in
contact during sexual intercourse. Once the
germs have invaded the tissues of the sex
organs, they propagate and spread to other
tissues, even throughout the body in some
The sexually transmitted diseases cause
various kinds of suffering with tragic
results as damage to an unborn child,
infertility and even premature death. Once
established in a person ’s body, the disease
tends to persist, if untreated, for the
duration of life. Syphilis and Gonorrhoea are
the best-known venereal diseases, but the
range also includes genital herpes,
candidiasis and warts, as well as
trichomoniasis, chancroid, staphylococcal
infections and Lymphogranuloma
The symptoms of sexually transmitted
diseases vary, depending on the causative
agent. There may be abnormal discharge
from the sexual organ, with foul odour and
itching sensations, as in Gonorrhoea,
Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis. There may
be ulcers and pinching sensations as in
Genital Herpes Simplex, Staphylococcus,
Syphilis, Chancroid and Granuloma
inguinale. Thirdly, there are those
characterized by the appearance of lumps
and bumps in the private parts, as observed
in cases of genital warts and
Lymphogranuloma venereum.
It should be well understood that when a
sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed in
a man or woman, the disease has probably
already passed on to the sexual partner, it is
therefore important that both should
treated to prevent re-infection.
Also, it is strongly advised that any
suspicion of a venereal disease or of
possible exposure to infection, calls for
urgent medical attention. In fact, prolonged
cases of venereal infections have been
shown to predispose one to more
dangerous infections such as HIV/AIDS.
It is strongly advocated
that in order to avoid suffering in the midst
of plenty, we must turn to NATURE. Some of
the natural remedies being advanced for
the treatment and control of sexually
transmitted diseases include the extracts
of local herbs such
as Allium cepa, Senna alata and Plumbago
called venereal diseases. They are
contagious diseases, easily transmitted by
sexual contact from an infected person to a
sexual partner who is otherwise healthy.
The germs causing these diseases vary a
great deal, but all depend on the warmth
and moisture of the sexual organs for
survival. They readily penetrate the delicate
skin and moist membranes that come in
contact during sexual intercourse. Once the
germs have invaded the tissues of the sex
organs, they propagate and spread to other
tissues, even throughout the body in some
The sexually transmitted diseases cause
various kinds of suffering with tragic
results as damage to an unborn child,
infertility and even premature death. Once
established in a person ’s body, the disease
tends to persist, if untreated, for the
duration of life. Syphilis and Gonorrhoea are
the best-known venereal diseases, but the
range also includes genital herpes,
candidiasis and warts, as well as
trichomoniasis, chancroid, staphylococcal
infections and Lymphogranuloma
The symptoms of sexually transmitted
diseases vary, depending on the causative
agent. There may be abnormal discharge
from the sexual organ, with foul odour and
itching sensations, as in Gonorrhoea,
Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis. There may
be ulcers and pinching sensations as in
Genital Herpes Simplex, Staphylococcus,
Syphilis, Chancroid and Granuloma
inguinale. Thirdly, there are those
characterized by the appearance of lumps
and bumps in the private parts, as observed
in cases of genital warts and
Lymphogranuloma venereum.
It should be well understood that when a
sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed in
a man or woman, the disease has probably
already passed on to the sexual partner, it is
therefore important that both should
treated to prevent re-infection.
Also, it is strongly advised that any
suspicion of a venereal disease or of
possible exposure to infection, calls for
urgent medical attention. In fact, prolonged
cases of venereal infections have been
shown to predispose one to more
dangerous infections such as HIV/AIDS.
It is strongly advocated
that in order to avoid suffering in the midst
of plenty, we must turn to NATURE. Some of
the natural remedies being advanced for
the treatment and control of sexually
transmitted diseases include the extracts
of local herbs such
as Allium cepa, Senna alata and Plumbago
Lemon grass fights headaches like aspirin
Scientists have found lemon grass as a
potential traditional medicine to relieve
headaches and migraines.In a five-years
study in complementary and Alternative
Medicine Journal, it was discovered that
lemon grass, whose leaves many brew as,
contain cymbopogon ambiguous, a lemon
grass plant, that may be as good as aspirin
when it comes to headaches treatment.
Lemon grass is a tall perennial grass with
slender sharp edged green leaves that have
a pointed apex. It is native to India but
found growing naturally in tropical grass
land It is referred to as Koriko-oba in
Yoruba, Nche in Igbo and Awula in Hausa.
The stem is reddish brown in colour and it
is attached to the bulb by stalk. The entire
plant is attached to the soil by fibrous root.
Infusions and decoctions of lemon grass
leaves have been used in Australian
traditional medicine to treat chest
infections, sores, muscle cramps as well as
headache. Two or three of these bruised
stalks, chopped into half inch pieces and
steeped in a pot of nearly boiling water,
make a tea to aid digestion, ease menstrual
cramps, reduce stress, relieve rheumatism
and promote a calm night ’s sleep.
A tea made from the leaves of lemon grass
has been used to treat fever, cold, cough
and stomach upset. The tea also has diuretic
properties and can help in urinating
difficulties and water retention, making it
helpful in individuals with high blood
pressure. Extracts of both the leaves and
stalks of lemon grass are used as an herbal
medicine to treat nervous condition and
Lemon grass has considerable economic
importance. In some part of Asia, it is
cultivated for commercial purpose as
industrial raw materials to cosmetic and
insecticide factories. It is used as scent in
many product including soap, perfume
candle mosquito and other insect repellent.
The study, which was aimed at screening
and identifying the chemical substances in
the infusions and decoctions of lemon grass
that explain the plant ’s use for headache,
found out that it prevented blood platelets
clumping together and aided the release of
Serotonin regulates mood, appetite, sleep,
muscle contraction, and some cognitive
functions including memory, learning and
has alterations in migraine.Headaches and
migraines cause abnormal activities in our
bodies, such as altering our serotonin levels
and interfering with the normal function of
our blood platelets. Although, platelets clump
together for wound repair, but they can
also form life-threatening internal clots
starving the brain of oxygen and causing
The researchers attributed the effectiveness
of lemon grass in the treatment of
headaches and migraine to a chemical
substance called eugenol in the plant. They
suggested that this chemical substance in
lemon grass has similar effect in aspirin, a
common medicine for headache, because it
holds back platelets clumping together and
aids the release of serotonin. They declared,
“ The results of these studies provide
evidence identifying specific constituents
(principally eugenol) that have anti-platelet
activity that establish the basis of the
therapeutic activity and traditional use of C.
ambiguus as a non-conventional remedy
for headache conditions. ”
However, the benefit of drinking lemon
grass tea or infusion includes prevention of
typhoid fever. Researchers from the
Department of Biochemistry, University of
Ado-Ekiti, Ado-Ekiti Ekiti State, in their
assessment of the chemical composition
and constituents of lemon grass, declared
that under laboratory conditions it can
effectively kill S. typhi, the germ that causes
typhoid fever. The 2009 study was carried
out by M.F. Asaolu, O.A. Oyeyemi and J.O.
Olanlokun and reported in Asian Network
for Scientific Information Journal.
A recent study by the Food and Nutrition
Research Institute of the Department of
Science and Technology ( DOST ) claims that
every 100g of edible lemon grass when
boiled can contain up to 24.205 micrograms
of beta-carotene the anti-oxidant that
scientists believe can help prevent cancer.
Another DOST study shows that lemon grass
oil has the potential as a tropical eye
medication against keratomycosis, an
inflammation of cornea often associated
with burning or blurring of vision.
In 2006, research discovered citral (a
substance in lemongrass) caused apoptosis
in malignant cancer cells, meaning the
cancer cells would kill off themselves (a cell
suicide). Citral not only caused cancer cells
to kill themselves on a petri dish, it caused
no harm to normal cells that were present.
More amazingly, the quantity of citral used
in this experiment was equivalent to one
cup of tea using 1 gram of lemongrass in
hot water.
Lemongrass tea, with pepper, can help
relieve menstrual problems and nausea. It
can promote perspiration and lower fevers
or cool the body in high temperatures. It
may also help lower high blood pressure
and cholesterol levels.
When used externally, lemongrass tea can
help treat athlete ’s foot (because it has anti-
fungal properties), heal cuts and sprains,
and relieve arthritic pain.
potential traditional medicine to relieve
headaches and migraines.In a five-years
study in complementary and Alternative
Medicine Journal, it was discovered that
lemon grass, whose leaves many brew as,
contain cymbopogon ambiguous, a lemon
grass plant, that may be as good as aspirin
when it comes to headaches treatment.
Lemon grass is a tall perennial grass with
slender sharp edged green leaves that have
a pointed apex. It is native to India but
found growing naturally in tropical grass
land It is referred to as Koriko-oba in
Yoruba, Nche in Igbo and Awula in Hausa.
The stem is reddish brown in colour and it
is attached to the bulb by stalk. The entire
plant is attached to the soil by fibrous root.
Infusions and decoctions of lemon grass
leaves have been used in Australian
traditional medicine to treat chest
infections, sores, muscle cramps as well as
headache. Two or three of these bruised
stalks, chopped into half inch pieces and
steeped in a pot of nearly boiling water,
make a tea to aid digestion, ease menstrual
cramps, reduce stress, relieve rheumatism
and promote a calm night ’s sleep.
A tea made from the leaves of lemon grass
has been used to treat fever, cold, cough
and stomach upset. The tea also has diuretic
properties and can help in urinating
difficulties and water retention, making it
helpful in individuals with high blood
pressure. Extracts of both the leaves and
stalks of lemon grass are used as an herbal
medicine to treat nervous condition and
Lemon grass has considerable economic
importance. In some part of Asia, it is
cultivated for commercial purpose as
industrial raw materials to cosmetic and
insecticide factories. It is used as scent in
many product including soap, perfume
candle mosquito and other insect repellent.
The study, which was aimed at screening
and identifying the chemical substances in
the infusions and decoctions of lemon grass
that explain the plant ’s use for headache,
found out that it prevented blood platelets
clumping together and aided the release of
Serotonin regulates mood, appetite, sleep,
muscle contraction, and some cognitive
functions including memory, learning and
has alterations in migraine.Headaches and
migraines cause abnormal activities in our
bodies, such as altering our serotonin levels
and interfering with the normal function of
our blood platelets. Although, platelets clump
together for wound repair, but they can
also form life-threatening internal clots
starving the brain of oxygen and causing
The researchers attributed the effectiveness
of lemon grass in the treatment of
headaches and migraine to a chemical
substance called eugenol in the plant. They
suggested that this chemical substance in
lemon grass has similar effect in aspirin, a
common medicine for headache, because it
holds back platelets clumping together and
aids the release of serotonin. They declared,
“ The results of these studies provide
evidence identifying specific constituents
(principally eugenol) that have anti-platelet
activity that establish the basis of the
therapeutic activity and traditional use of C.
ambiguus as a non-conventional remedy
for headache conditions. ”
However, the benefit of drinking lemon
grass tea or infusion includes prevention of
typhoid fever. Researchers from the
Department of Biochemistry, University of
Ado-Ekiti, Ado-Ekiti Ekiti State, in their
assessment of the chemical composition
and constituents of lemon grass, declared
that under laboratory conditions it can
effectively kill S. typhi, the germ that causes
typhoid fever. The 2009 study was carried
out by M.F. Asaolu, O.A. Oyeyemi and J.O.
Olanlokun and reported in Asian Network
for Scientific Information Journal.
A recent study by the Food and Nutrition
Research Institute of the Department of
Science and Technology ( DOST ) claims that
every 100g of edible lemon grass when
boiled can contain up to 24.205 micrograms
of beta-carotene the anti-oxidant that
scientists believe can help prevent cancer.
Another DOST study shows that lemon grass
oil has the potential as a tropical eye
medication against keratomycosis, an
inflammation of cornea often associated
with burning or blurring of vision.
In 2006, research discovered citral (a
substance in lemongrass) caused apoptosis
in malignant cancer cells, meaning the
cancer cells would kill off themselves (a cell
suicide). Citral not only caused cancer cells
to kill themselves on a petri dish, it caused
no harm to normal cells that were present.
More amazingly, the quantity of citral used
in this experiment was equivalent to one
cup of tea using 1 gram of lemongrass in
hot water.
Lemongrass tea, with pepper, can help
relieve menstrual problems and nausea. It
can promote perspiration and lower fevers
or cool the body in high temperatures. It
may also help lower high blood pressure
and cholesterol levels.
When used externally, lemongrass tea can
help treat athlete ’s foot (because it has anti-
fungal properties), heal cuts and sprains,
and relieve arthritic pain.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver and
it is occasionally as a result of a bacterial,
protozoan or other microbial infection.
Virus hepatitis occurs in two basic forms,
one of which is called infectious hepatitis
(or hepatitis A) and the other, serum
hepatitis (or hepatitis B), which is also
“infectious”. It is fairly certain that these
two conditions, although clinically similar,
are caused by different viruses and the
modes of transmission are different.
In Hepatitis B, transmission is mainly by the
injection or transfusion of contaminated
blood or blood products, or by accidental
skin pricks or other injuries caused by
contaminated needles or other sharp
objects. Transmission also occurs from
inadequately sterilized hypodermic needles,
syringes, surgical and dental instruments,
tattooing instruments and razors. Hepatitis
B is also common among narcotic addicts
and others who use unsterile syringes for
drug injections.
The virus which causes hepatitis A, by
contrast, is mostly transmitted in the faeces.
Although it can be spread by blood
transfusion, the main route is from infective
faeces to the mouth via the hands or
objects contaminated with the faeces.
The patient with hepatitis may notice little
or nothing wrong, but in more severe cases,
the patient will have fever, headache,
nausea and vomiting, a severe loss of
appetite and aching in the muscles. Then
jaundice, caused by an accumulation of
yellow bile pigment in the blood, appears
after a few days or, in some cases, a week
or two from the onset of the symptoms.
The liver may become enlarged and tender
and may develop cirrhosis. The conditions
may lead to death from liver failure.
Hepatitis patients are
strongly advised to have adequate bed rest,
with proper care in the handling of infected
excreta. Alcoholic beverages should be
strictly avoided.
The remedy being suggested for
total cure of Hepatitis is a combination of
natural extracts of Eugenia caryophylatta,
Musa cavendichii, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina and Capsicum frutescens.
it is occasionally as a result of a bacterial,
protozoan or other microbial infection.
Virus hepatitis occurs in two basic forms,
one of which is called infectious hepatitis
(or hepatitis A) and the other, serum
hepatitis (or hepatitis B), which is also
“infectious”. It is fairly certain that these
two conditions, although clinically similar,
are caused by different viruses and the
modes of transmission are different.
In Hepatitis B, transmission is mainly by the
injection or transfusion of contaminated
blood or blood products, or by accidental
skin pricks or other injuries caused by
contaminated needles or other sharp
objects. Transmission also occurs from
inadequately sterilized hypodermic needles,
syringes, surgical and dental instruments,
tattooing instruments and razors. Hepatitis
B is also common among narcotic addicts
and others who use unsterile syringes for
drug injections.
The virus which causes hepatitis A, by
contrast, is mostly transmitted in the faeces.
Although it can be spread by blood
transfusion, the main route is from infective
faeces to the mouth via the hands or
objects contaminated with the faeces.
The patient with hepatitis may notice little
or nothing wrong, but in more severe cases,
the patient will have fever, headache,
nausea and vomiting, a severe loss of
appetite and aching in the muscles. Then
jaundice, caused by an accumulation of
yellow bile pigment in the blood, appears
after a few days or, in some cases, a week
or two from the onset of the symptoms.
The liver may become enlarged and tender
and may develop cirrhosis. The conditions
may lead to death from liver failure.
Hepatitis patients are
strongly advised to have adequate bed rest,
with proper care in the handling of infected
excreta. Alcoholic beverages should be
strictly avoided.
The remedy being suggested for
total cure of Hepatitis is a combination of
natural extracts of Eugenia caryophylatta,
Musa cavendichii, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina and Capsicum frutescens.
STROKE is the common name for a sudden
paralysis or loss of sensation caused by
severe damage to some part of the brain as
a result of an interruption of the blood
supply to this part.
Under normal circumstances, the demands
of the brain for a continuous supply of
fresh blood are so great that one-fifth or 20
per cent of the blood pumped by the heart
is delivered to the brain.
Each artery in the brain is responsible for
nourishing a particular territory and the
severity of a stroke depends on which
vessel is involved. An interruption of blood
supply to any part of the brain causes
permanent damage to the cells within about
five minutes.
Although the outset of stroke is sudden, the
underlying disease condition has usually
been of long standing. In fact, little is known
of the cause of stroke, except that there is
a strong association with high blood
pressure (that is, hypertension).
Other predisposing factors are diabetes and
any condition that makes thrombosis more
likely. Thrombosis is the formation of a
blood clot in the body and it may occur as a
complication of arteriosclerosis, use of oral
contraceptives and polycythemia.
Stroke may also be caused by the lodging of
a floating fragment of blood clot (known as
embolus) in one of the arteries of the brain.
Or it may be caused by a rupture of the
wall of an artery in the brain, with escape of
blood into the brain tissue.
The symptoms of stroke may develop
instantly or over a period of several
minutes. The patient usually collapses and
may lose consciousness. His face may be
red and there may be vomiting and
convulsions. Paralysis may cripple the
muscles of one side of the face, causing the
mouth to be pulled to the strong side.
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advocated
that the best prospects of reducing the ill
health due to stroke lies in the detection and
treatment of the conditions that increase
the risk.
The patient should undergo massage and
other manipulative therapies aimed at
speeding the recovery of the functions of
walking and speech, and the learning of
day-to-day tasks. The Holistic Natural
Remedy being suggested for stroke is a
combination of the Natural extracts of
herbs such as Allium sativum, Aristolochia
albida, Picrlima nitida, Harungana
madagascariensis and Viscum album.
paralysis or loss of sensation caused by
severe damage to some part of the brain as
a result of an interruption of the blood
supply to this part.
Under normal circumstances, the demands
of the brain for a continuous supply of
fresh blood are so great that one-fifth or 20
per cent of the blood pumped by the heart
is delivered to the brain.
Each artery in the brain is responsible for
nourishing a particular territory and the
severity of a stroke depends on which
vessel is involved. An interruption of blood
supply to any part of the brain causes
permanent damage to the cells within about
five minutes.
Although the outset of stroke is sudden, the
underlying disease condition has usually
been of long standing. In fact, little is known
of the cause of stroke, except that there is
a strong association with high blood
pressure (that is, hypertension).
Other predisposing factors are diabetes and
any condition that makes thrombosis more
likely. Thrombosis is the formation of a
blood clot in the body and it may occur as a
complication of arteriosclerosis, use of oral
contraceptives and polycythemia.
Stroke may also be caused by the lodging of
a floating fragment of blood clot (known as
embolus) in one of the arteries of the brain.
Or it may be caused by a rupture of the
wall of an artery in the brain, with escape of
blood into the brain tissue.
The symptoms of stroke may develop
instantly or over a period of several
minutes. The patient usually collapses and
may lose consciousness. His face may be
red and there may be vomiting and
convulsions. Paralysis may cripple the
muscles of one side of the face, causing the
mouth to be pulled to the strong side.
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advocated
that the best prospects of reducing the ill
health due to stroke lies in the detection and
treatment of the conditions that increase
the risk.
The patient should undergo massage and
other manipulative therapies aimed at
speeding the recovery of the functions of
walking and speech, and the learning of
day-to-day tasks. The Holistic Natural
Remedy being suggested for stroke is a
combination of the Natural extracts of
herbs such as Allium sativum, Aristolochia
albida, Picrlima nitida, Harungana
madagascariensis and Viscum album.
Basil: Nature’s remedy for sleepingsickness
AFRICAN trypanosomiasis has continued to
threaten human health and economical
African trypanosomes cause human
sleeping sickness and livestock
trypanosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa.
Trypanosome, the causative parasite, is
most prevalent in Africa and has been
responsible to a great extent for the under
development, poverty and suffering in
many parts of Africa.
Up to 80 per cent of the Nigerian land mass
is infested by the vector of the parasite,
tsetse fly and with increase in the menace
of tsetse fly, drug resistance to common
drugs, lack of effective vaccine against
trypanosomiasis, there is an urgent need
for the development of new, cheap, safe
and easy-toadminister drugs for the
treatment of African trypanosomiasis for
both human and animals.
However, among the indigenes of
trypanosome prevalent areas, there are
several claims of medicinal plants with
possible therapeutic activities, which have
not been proved scientifically.
Nevertheless, a number of African medicinal
plants have been evaluated for their effect
on trypanosome, the causative parasite for
sleeping sickness.
The water extract of the leaf of Ocimum
gratissimumis (referred to as Efirin in
Yoruba) is one of such plants that
traditionally were used in the treatment of
African trypanosomiasis. Researchers
evaluating its usefulness in the treatment of
African trypanosomiasis found out its water
extract was effective against
Ocimum gratissimum belongs to the plant
family Lamiaceae. It is known as Efinrin
ajase in Yoruba, Ebavbokho in Bini, Aai
doya ta gida in Hausa and Nchuanwu in
Igbo. It is also commonly called Sweet basil.
The leaves are used locally for soup. It is
also used to treat cases of stomach upset
and diarrhoea.
The 2009 study, published in the African
Journal of Traditional Medicine was carried
out by Dr. Chukunyere Nwosu from the
Department of Veterinary Microbiology and
Parasitology, University of Maiduguri; Dr.
Roland Agbede from the Department of
Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology,
Ahmadu and Dr. M. Adamu from the
Department of Veterinary Parasitology and
Entomology, University of Agriculture,
Makurdi, Benue State.
In the study, dry leaves of Sweet basil were
ground into fine powder before a water
extract of the leaves was made from it.
Twenty albino rats were used for the study.
Fifteen of the rats were infected with
trypanosome. The animals were examined
daily for the presence of trypanosome for
the first two days after treatment and
thereafter every two days for 28 days.
They found that treatment with the extract
resulted in a reduction in the level of
trypanosome between days 10 and 18 after
they became infected, demonstrating that
the water extract of the leaf of Sweet basil
at the concentrations used significantly kill
trypanosome under laboratory conditions.
According to the researchers, although the
extract did not significantly reduce the level
of the germ responsible for the disease, it
prolonged the survival time in the infected
rats. They wrote: “The ability of the water
extract of Sweet basil to inhibit parasite
activity in vitro and modify the course of
the disease in vivo may be due to the
presence of some active principles in the
leaf extract such as alkaloids, flavanoids.
In conclusion, they suggested that the
folkloric medicinal use of the aqueous
extract of Sweet basil has no correlation
with scientific data, and as such no possible
therapeutic basis.
Dissotis rotundifolia is a medicinal plant
which is widely used in Nupe
ethnomedicine for treatment of
trypanosomiasis. It is referred to as
ajagunmoransin in Yoruba. It was against
this background that Drs. Abdullahi Mann,
Barnabas Banji, Nda-Umar Abdukadir and
Mohammed Gbate from the Federal
Polytechnic Bida, Niger State collaborated
with Dr. Evans C. Egwim from Federal
University of Technology Minna,Niger State
and J. T. Ekanem from University of Ilorin,
Kwara State, set to work on this plant.
In the 2009 study documented in the
African Journal of Biochemistry Research,
they suggested that extracts from the
leaves of Dissotis rotundifolia may be a
novel solution to trypanosomiasis. They
found that when by the infected animal
drank water laced with extracts made from
the leaves of Dissotis rotundifolia and
when the extract was passed into the veins
of the animal both reduced the amount of
the Trypanosome in the tested animals used
for the study by 66.7 and 78.4 per cent
However, the crude extract at high
concentration (800mg/kg) was able to
paralyse or kill the parasite completely
within 45 s when tried on Trypanosoma
directly under laboratory conditions.
Meanwhile, Butyrospermum paradoxum
stem bark, commonly used in the traditional
treatment of various diseases including
animal and human trypanosomosis in
north-eastern Nigeria, is also able to
completely suppress or reduce the level of
Trypanosoma and the severity of the
attendant disease, so helping to enhance
survival of the rats infected with
Trypanosoma congolense and
Trypanosoma brucei.
Butyrospermum paradoxum is called
Emigidi in Yoruba. Shea butter is derived
from this plant.
The results of this study in Journal of
Ethnopharmacology also suggested that
the folkloric medicinal application of the
extracts of Butyrospermum paradoxum
has a scientific basis.
Other studies have also found neem, garlic,
Sclerocarya birrea, Commiphora kerstingii
and Khaya senegalensis (African
mahogany) useful in the control of the
germ that causes sleeping sickness.
Commiphora kerstingii is referred to as
garkuwarwuta or gurzun dali. Sclerocarya
birrea is popularly called Craw-craw vine in
threaten human health and economical
African trypanosomes cause human
sleeping sickness and livestock
trypanosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa.
Trypanosome, the causative parasite, is
most prevalent in Africa and has been
responsible to a great extent for the under
development, poverty and suffering in
many parts of Africa.
Up to 80 per cent of the Nigerian land mass
is infested by the vector of the parasite,
tsetse fly and with increase in the menace
of tsetse fly, drug resistance to common
drugs, lack of effective vaccine against
trypanosomiasis, there is an urgent need
for the development of new, cheap, safe
and easy-toadminister drugs for the
treatment of African trypanosomiasis for
both human and animals.
However, among the indigenes of
trypanosome prevalent areas, there are
several claims of medicinal plants with
possible therapeutic activities, which have
not been proved scientifically.
Nevertheless, a number of African medicinal
plants have been evaluated for their effect
on trypanosome, the causative parasite for
sleeping sickness.
The water extract of the leaf of Ocimum
gratissimumis (referred to as Efirin in
Yoruba) is one of such plants that
traditionally were used in the treatment of
African trypanosomiasis. Researchers
evaluating its usefulness in the treatment of
African trypanosomiasis found out its water
extract was effective against
Ocimum gratissimum belongs to the plant
family Lamiaceae. It is known as Efinrin
ajase in Yoruba, Ebavbokho in Bini, Aai
doya ta gida in Hausa and Nchuanwu in
Igbo. It is also commonly called Sweet basil.
The leaves are used locally for soup. It is
also used to treat cases of stomach upset
and diarrhoea.
The 2009 study, published in the African
Journal of Traditional Medicine was carried
out by Dr. Chukunyere Nwosu from the
Department of Veterinary Microbiology and
Parasitology, University of Maiduguri; Dr.
Roland Agbede from the Department of
Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology,
Ahmadu and Dr. M. Adamu from the
Department of Veterinary Parasitology and
Entomology, University of Agriculture,
Makurdi, Benue State.
In the study, dry leaves of Sweet basil were
ground into fine powder before a water
extract of the leaves was made from it.
Twenty albino rats were used for the study.
Fifteen of the rats were infected with
trypanosome. The animals were examined
daily for the presence of trypanosome for
the first two days after treatment and
thereafter every two days for 28 days.
They found that treatment with the extract
resulted in a reduction in the level of
trypanosome between days 10 and 18 after
they became infected, demonstrating that
the water extract of the leaf of Sweet basil
at the concentrations used significantly kill
trypanosome under laboratory conditions.
According to the researchers, although the
extract did not significantly reduce the level
of the germ responsible for the disease, it
prolonged the survival time in the infected
rats. They wrote: “The ability of the water
extract of Sweet basil to inhibit parasite
activity in vitro and modify the course of
the disease in vivo may be due to the
presence of some active principles in the
leaf extract such as alkaloids, flavanoids.
In conclusion, they suggested that the
folkloric medicinal use of the aqueous
extract of Sweet basil has no correlation
with scientific data, and as such no possible
therapeutic basis.
Dissotis rotundifolia is a medicinal plant
which is widely used in Nupe
ethnomedicine for treatment of
trypanosomiasis. It is referred to as
ajagunmoransin in Yoruba. It was against
this background that Drs. Abdullahi Mann,
Barnabas Banji, Nda-Umar Abdukadir and
Mohammed Gbate from the Federal
Polytechnic Bida, Niger State collaborated
with Dr. Evans C. Egwim from Federal
University of Technology Minna,Niger State
and J. T. Ekanem from University of Ilorin,
Kwara State, set to work on this plant.
In the 2009 study documented in the
African Journal of Biochemistry Research,
they suggested that extracts from the
leaves of Dissotis rotundifolia may be a
novel solution to trypanosomiasis. They
found that when by the infected animal
drank water laced with extracts made from
the leaves of Dissotis rotundifolia and
when the extract was passed into the veins
of the animal both reduced the amount of
the Trypanosome in the tested animals used
for the study by 66.7 and 78.4 per cent
However, the crude extract at high
concentration (800mg/kg) was able to
paralyse or kill the parasite completely
within 45 s when tried on Trypanosoma
directly under laboratory conditions.
Meanwhile, Butyrospermum paradoxum
stem bark, commonly used in the traditional
treatment of various diseases including
animal and human trypanosomosis in
north-eastern Nigeria, is also able to
completely suppress or reduce the level of
Trypanosoma and the severity of the
attendant disease, so helping to enhance
survival of the rats infected with
Trypanosoma congolense and
Trypanosoma brucei.
Butyrospermum paradoxum is called
Emigidi in Yoruba. Shea butter is derived
from this plant.
The results of this study in Journal of
Ethnopharmacology also suggested that
the folkloric medicinal application of the
extracts of Butyrospermum paradoxum
has a scientific basis.
Other studies have also found neem, garlic,
Sclerocarya birrea, Commiphora kerstingii
and Khaya senegalensis (African
mahogany) useful in the control of the
germ that causes sleeping sickness.
Commiphora kerstingii is referred to as
garkuwarwuta or gurzun dali. Sclerocarya
birrea is popularly called Craw-craw vine in
Expert explains reasons for ineffectiveness of honey treatment
Despite the over- whelming evidence
substantiating medicinal uses of honey in
the treatment of ailments such as pile, high
blood pressure, asthma and ulcer, and the
willingness by many to appropriate them, a
nutritional expert, Dr. Kayode Akinremi,
stated that a major limitation to the therapy
has always been how to identify pure
honey for the treatment of ailments.
He spoke at a three-day practical workshop,
organised by the Broadcasting Corporation
of Oyo State (BCOS), in collaboration with
EVIC Nutritional & Phytophysiological
Consult, Ibadan, on identification and
utilisation of herbs, pure honey, fruits and
vegetables for good health in Ibadan, Oyo
According to Dr. Akinremi, said only pure
honey could be mixed with other herbs as
stipulated by a medicinal recipe for the
treatment of diseases to achieve the
stipulated curative uses.
According to him, “people should be wary
of consuming just any honey. Many honeys
on sale are adulterated or made from
sugarcane. Pure honey can be identified in
various ways. The odour of pure honey is
far distinct from that which was
adulterated. The taste of pure honey does
not last too long in the mouth unlike the
adulterated or fake honey.
Also, pure honey draws more slowly than
fake ones; has less attraction to ants; is
always cloudy like bee-hives and is a
natural preservative. ”
“Dip a match stick inside pure honey and
allow the stick to dry for a minute or two
before you light that stick. The match stick
will light again if it is a pure honey. Another
easy test is to dip a drop of fake or
adulterated honey on a hot plate. The
reaction is more vigorous than in the case
of pure honey.
“Since pure honey is a preservative and
does not go bad, irrespective of how long it
is stored, if you put a fresh piece of meat or
fish in a cup and pour pure honey on it, it
remains fresh if checked even after 10
days. But, with fake or adulterated honey, it
turns bad within two or three days.
Dr. Akinremi, explaining that pure honey
could either be black, brown or white in
colour, depending on the type of fruits and
vegetables the bees fed on, noted that pure
honey would not dissolve immediately if
added to water, but would sink fast to the
bottom of the container.
The Chief Executive, EVIC Nutritional&
Phytophysiological Consult, Ibadan, warned
against the abuse of honey by diabetics
because of its complex sugar content.
Highlighting how honey could be used in
the treatment of several ailments, Dr.
Akinremi, disclosed that taking tea made
with mistletoe and honey was beneficial to
diabetes patients, noting that applying
twice daily a mixture of charcoal powder
of maize cob and honey to the anus would
relieve anal congestion and the pain
associated with pile.
For individuals with asthma, he advised
them to mix one part of castor oil (or
coconut oil) to five parts of honey and take
one tablespoon of this morning and
While, a regular intake of a mixture of
honey and pineapple juice soothes ulcer, he
explained that people that experienced
sleeplessness should drink a glass of water
to which was added two tablespoons of
honey before going to bed as a remedy for
sleeplessness. He explained that honey
could help to relax the nerves and ease
According to him, “men with poor libido
should mix two tablespoons of honey with
four tablespoons of milk and eggs, and
drink the mixture freely thrice daily to
promote sexual powers. Also, a mixture of
honey, grinded kola nut and garlic licked at
regular intervals will relieve the pain from
tonsillitis and later cure it.”
Women that are worried about hair loss or
their hair breaking can also improve the
hair strength with honey. According to him,
such women should warm a mixture of
equal parts of honey and olive oil and rub it
to their hair. This is to be washed away
with warm water after 30 minutes.
In ladies with pimples and other facial
problems, he said that the mixture of
honey, few drops of lime and albumin (the
white part of an egg) could be used as a
face mask for 30 minutes before such is
washed away with warm water.
Other conditions that he highlighted as
treatable with honey therapy included
constipation, obesity, migraine, running
stomach, boils and whitlows, bleeding from
the nose and poisoning.
He pointed out that many plants contain
substances in them that could help prevent
and cure ailments without exception,
stressing that, “these treatments are both
for curative and prevention purposes,
without incantations or rituals. ”
Meanwhile, Dr. Akinremi pointed out that
people with arthritis after applying a hot
water compress on the affected part of the
body, should rub on it a mixture of blended
ginger and garlic.
His prescription for typhoid fever is grinded
fresh red ginger, mango bark/skin and
potash, which should be soaked in water
for about four days.
For healthy living, Dr. Akinremi warned
against obesity, alcohol intake and
excessive intake of fatty foods and salt. He
explained that these were contributory
factors to diseases such as hypertension,
stroke and diabetes.
Unlike the practice of many, he said more
vegetables and fruits should be eaten daily.
In addition, he emphasised an annual
medical checkups and exercises.
substantiating medicinal uses of honey in
the treatment of ailments such as pile, high
blood pressure, asthma and ulcer, and the
willingness by many to appropriate them, a
nutritional expert, Dr. Kayode Akinremi,
stated that a major limitation to the therapy
has always been how to identify pure
honey for the treatment of ailments.
He spoke at a three-day practical workshop,
organised by the Broadcasting Corporation
of Oyo State (BCOS), in collaboration with
EVIC Nutritional & Phytophysiological
Consult, Ibadan, on identification and
utilisation of herbs, pure honey, fruits and
vegetables for good health in Ibadan, Oyo
According to Dr. Akinremi, said only pure
honey could be mixed with other herbs as
stipulated by a medicinal recipe for the
treatment of diseases to achieve the
stipulated curative uses.
According to him, “people should be wary
of consuming just any honey. Many honeys
on sale are adulterated or made from
sugarcane. Pure honey can be identified in
various ways. The odour of pure honey is
far distinct from that which was
adulterated. The taste of pure honey does
not last too long in the mouth unlike the
adulterated or fake honey.
Also, pure honey draws more slowly than
fake ones; has less attraction to ants; is
always cloudy like bee-hives and is a
natural preservative. ”
“Dip a match stick inside pure honey and
allow the stick to dry for a minute or two
before you light that stick. The match stick
will light again if it is a pure honey. Another
easy test is to dip a drop of fake or
adulterated honey on a hot plate. The
reaction is more vigorous than in the case
of pure honey.
“Since pure honey is a preservative and
does not go bad, irrespective of how long it
is stored, if you put a fresh piece of meat or
fish in a cup and pour pure honey on it, it
remains fresh if checked even after 10
days. But, with fake or adulterated honey, it
turns bad within two or three days.
Dr. Akinremi, explaining that pure honey
could either be black, brown or white in
colour, depending on the type of fruits and
vegetables the bees fed on, noted that pure
honey would not dissolve immediately if
added to water, but would sink fast to the
bottom of the container.
The Chief Executive, EVIC Nutritional&
Phytophysiological Consult, Ibadan, warned
against the abuse of honey by diabetics
because of its complex sugar content.
Highlighting how honey could be used in
the treatment of several ailments, Dr.
Akinremi, disclosed that taking tea made
with mistletoe and honey was beneficial to
diabetes patients, noting that applying
twice daily a mixture of charcoal powder
of maize cob and honey to the anus would
relieve anal congestion and the pain
associated with pile.
For individuals with asthma, he advised
them to mix one part of castor oil (or
coconut oil) to five parts of honey and take
one tablespoon of this morning and
While, a regular intake of a mixture of
honey and pineapple juice soothes ulcer, he
explained that people that experienced
sleeplessness should drink a glass of water
to which was added two tablespoons of
honey before going to bed as a remedy for
sleeplessness. He explained that honey
could help to relax the nerves and ease
According to him, “men with poor libido
should mix two tablespoons of honey with
four tablespoons of milk and eggs, and
drink the mixture freely thrice daily to
promote sexual powers. Also, a mixture of
honey, grinded kola nut and garlic licked at
regular intervals will relieve the pain from
tonsillitis and later cure it.”
Women that are worried about hair loss or
their hair breaking can also improve the
hair strength with honey. According to him,
such women should warm a mixture of
equal parts of honey and olive oil and rub it
to their hair. This is to be washed away
with warm water after 30 minutes.
In ladies with pimples and other facial
problems, he said that the mixture of
honey, few drops of lime and albumin (the
white part of an egg) could be used as a
face mask for 30 minutes before such is
washed away with warm water.
Other conditions that he highlighted as
treatable with honey therapy included
constipation, obesity, migraine, running
stomach, boils and whitlows, bleeding from
the nose and poisoning.
He pointed out that many plants contain
substances in them that could help prevent
and cure ailments without exception,
stressing that, “these treatments are both
for curative and prevention purposes,
without incantations or rituals. ”
Meanwhile, Dr. Akinremi pointed out that
people with arthritis after applying a hot
water compress on the affected part of the
body, should rub on it a mixture of blended
ginger and garlic.
His prescription for typhoid fever is grinded
fresh red ginger, mango bark/skin and
potash, which should be soaked in water
for about four days.
For healthy living, Dr. Akinremi warned
against obesity, alcohol intake and
excessive intake of fatty foods and salt. He
explained that these were contributory
factors to diseases such as hypertension,
stroke and diabetes.
Unlike the practice of many, he said more
vegetables and fruits should be eaten daily.
In addition, he emphasised an annual
medical checkups and exercises.
Piles or haemorrhoids are swellings
containing dilated or varicose veins situated
in the mucous membranes of the rectum or
in the skin around the anus. Constipation is
known to cause haemorrhoids or piles.
Intoxicating liquors, artificial flavourings or
spices, white bread, cakes, all other white
flour products, fried foods, food that can
form acid and cause fermentation, sugar
and soft drinks also cause piles.
Straining at stool is an important factor in
the development of piles, and the straining
associated with childbirth is a common
cause of haemorrhoids in women. People
with haemorrhoids may have pain in the
rectum, with itching. In many cases, blood
oozes from the haemorrhoids, usually in
connection with emptying the bowels. Piles
may protrude from the rectum; depending
on how high up in the rectum the affected
veins are located. When they protrude, the
sphincter muscle of the rectum partially
strangulates them and prevents their return.
From all these explanations, there is a
glaring indication that civilisation brings
many benefits and beautiful things but at
the same time, many things that are harmful
and ugly. We have accepted to change our
lifestyles to suit the new trend. This includes
our traditional & local foods and drinks. Yes,
it is civilisation that makes us prefer the
new spices in the market, with the comment
that the native ones smell funny and they
are messy. Now, who pays for this “snob”
effect? The person who pays the
purchasing price pays the bill for the after-
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advocated
that the best way to control piles or
haemorrhoids is to avoid constipation, so
that the stools can pass regularly and with
least possible irritation. This is accomplished
by going back to nature. In that wise, it is
necessary to avoid heavy and stimulating
foods, tobacco, alcoholic drinks and soft
Light and simple diets made from grains
and vegetables and generous eating of
fruits will ensure good digestive system.
Soya-bean products and very well ripe
bananas are good. High hot enema are
soothing and herbs like Nepeta cataria or
Myrica cerifera could be used to cleanse the
whole length of the colon. Aloe vera gel,
generously absorbed in cotton wool and
inserted as suppository overnight is also
very healing.
The Holistic natural remedy being suggested
for piles or haemorrhoids consists of a
combination of natural extracts of herbs
such as Croton penduliflorus, Ocimmum
gratissimum , Securidaca longepedunculata
and Aloe Vera.
containing dilated or varicose veins situated
in the mucous membranes of the rectum or
in the skin around the anus. Constipation is
known to cause haemorrhoids or piles.
Intoxicating liquors, artificial flavourings or
spices, white bread, cakes, all other white
flour products, fried foods, food that can
form acid and cause fermentation, sugar
and soft drinks also cause piles.
Straining at stool is an important factor in
the development of piles, and the straining
associated with childbirth is a common
cause of haemorrhoids in women. People
with haemorrhoids may have pain in the
rectum, with itching. In many cases, blood
oozes from the haemorrhoids, usually in
connection with emptying the bowels. Piles
may protrude from the rectum; depending
on how high up in the rectum the affected
veins are located. When they protrude, the
sphincter muscle of the rectum partially
strangulates them and prevents their return.
From all these explanations, there is a
glaring indication that civilisation brings
many benefits and beautiful things but at
the same time, many things that are harmful
and ugly. We have accepted to change our
lifestyles to suit the new trend. This includes
our traditional & local foods and drinks. Yes,
it is civilisation that makes us prefer the
new spices in the market, with the comment
that the native ones smell funny and they
are messy. Now, who pays for this “snob”
effect? The person who pays the
purchasing price pays the bill for the after-
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advocated
that the best way to control piles or
haemorrhoids is to avoid constipation, so
that the stools can pass regularly and with
least possible irritation. This is accomplished
by going back to nature. In that wise, it is
necessary to avoid heavy and stimulating
foods, tobacco, alcoholic drinks and soft
Light and simple diets made from grains
and vegetables and generous eating of
fruits will ensure good digestive system.
Soya-bean products and very well ripe
bananas are good. High hot enema are
soothing and herbs like Nepeta cataria or
Myrica cerifera could be used to cleanse the
whole length of the colon. Aloe vera gel,
generously absorbed in cotton wool and
inserted as suppository overnight is also
very healing.
The Holistic natural remedy being suggested
for piles or haemorrhoids consists of a
combination of natural extracts of herbs
such as Croton penduliflorus, Ocimmum
gratissimum , Securidaca longepedunculata
and Aloe Vera.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition resulting
from disorganised electrical activity of the
brain. The common characteristics of this
disorder are nervous spasms and
convulsive fits or seizures.
There are two types of epilepsy. In the first
type, scientifically known as symptomatic
epilepsy, the convulsions may be traced to
one of several definite causes. The second
type, which is more common, is called
idiopathic epilepsy, in which abnormal brain
cell activity arises for no apparent reason. It
is this second condition that most people
think of, as epilepsy.
Warning signs may be noticed, such as
headache, drowsiness, giddiness and
yawning. These are followed by the aura,
which is really the beginning of the seizure.
There may be tingling sensations in the
limbs, with disturbances of taste and smell.
As consciousness is lost, the patient falls
forward. There is gnashing of teeth.
Sometimes, the patient bites his tongue,
with foaming of saliva in the mouth.
The eyes roll up and become fixed, and then
the muscles start to jerk violently. The
patient may look pale until the convulsion
passes and normal breathing is resumed.
As the fit passes off, the patient may fall
into a deep sleep or may go into a trance-
like state. It is important that epileptics are
not left face-downward or in a position
where they could swallow their own vomit.
Many people are able to lead fully normal
lives with their epilepsy controlled by
natural remedies. Epilepsy is not thought to
be inherited, although there is sometimes a
tendency for it to run in families. However,
epilepsy still has not lost its stigma. In fact, it
is a disease like any other; epileptics are
otherwise as normal as people with high
blood pressure or diabetes.
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advised
that if an epileptic patient feels the un-
natural sensations, he (or she) should not
wait until he/she falls down, but should lie
down immediately. If, say, on the road, he/
she should quickly get to a nearby building
and sit down, resting on a wall.
If the patient has gone to convulsive fits, it
is important to get him/her to lie down and
allow fresh air into the room. It may be
necessary to place a piece of rubber or
wood between the teeth where there is a
danger of biting the tongue. The use of
metal (such as a spoon) is common, but this
can sometimes injure the patient.
The Holistic natural remedy being
recommended for epilepsy consists of
natural extracts of Viscum album, Hyssopus
officinalis, Allium sativum and Verbena
from disorganised electrical activity of the
brain. The common characteristics of this
disorder are nervous spasms and
convulsive fits or seizures.
There are two types of epilepsy. In the first
type, scientifically known as symptomatic
epilepsy, the convulsions may be traced to
one of several definite causes. The second
type, which is more common, is called
idiopathic epilepsy, in which abnormal brain
cell activity arises for no apparent reason. It
is this second condition that most people
think of, as epilepsy.
Warning signs may be noticed, such as
headache, drowsiness, giddiness and
yawning. These are followed by the aura,
which is really the beginning of the seizure.
There may be tingling sensations in the
limbs, with disturbances of taste and smell.
As consciousness is lost, the patient falls
forward. There is gnashing of teeth.
Sometimes, the patient bites his tongue,
with foaming of saliva in the mouth.
The eyes roll up and become fixed, and then
the muscles start to jerk violently. The
patient may look pale until the convulsion
passes and normal breathing is resumed.
As the fit passes off, the patient may fall
into a deep sleep or may go into a trance-
like state. It is important that epileptics are
not left face-downward or in a position
where they could swallow their own vomit.
Many people are able to lead fully normal
lives with their epilepsy controlled by
natural remedies. Epilepsy is not thought to
be inherited, although there is sometimes a
tendency for it to run in families. However,
epilepsy still has not lost its stigma. In fact, it
is a disease like any other; epileptics are
otherwise as normal as people with high
blood pressure or diabetes.
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advised
that if an epileptic patient feels the un-
natural sensations, he (or she) should not
wait until he/she falls down, but should lie
down immediately. If, say, on the road, he/
she should quickly get to a nearby building
and sit down, resting on a wall.
If the patient has gone to convulsive fits, it
is important to get him/her to lie down and
allow fresh air into the room. It may be
necessary to place a piece of rubber or
wood between the teeth where there is a
danger of biting the tongue. The use of
metal (such as a spoon) is common, but this
can sometimes injure the patient.
The Holistic natural remedy being
recommended for epilepsy consists of
natural extracts of Viscum album, Hyssopus
officinalis, Allium sativum and Verbena
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver.
Unless further qualified, the term is usually
taken to refer to a virus infection of the
liver; also known as infectious hepatitis.
Hepatitis is also (occasionally) a result of a
bacterial, protozoan or other microbial
Virus hepatitis occurs in two basic forms,
one of which is called infectious hepatitis
(or hepatitis A) and the other, serum
hepatitis (or hepatitis B), which is also
“infectious”. It is fairly certain that these
two conditions, although clinically similar,
are caused by different viruses and the
modes of transmission are different.
In Hepatitis B, transmission is mainly by the
injection or transfusion of contaminated
blood or blood products, or by accidental
skin pricks or other injuries caused by
contaminated needles or other sharp
objects. Transmission also occurs from
inadequately sterilised hypodermic needles,
syringes, surgical and dental instruments,
tattooing instruments and razors. Hepatitis
B is also common among narcotic addicts
and others who use unsteriled syringes for
drug injections.
The virus which causes hepatitis A, by
contrast, is mostly transmitted in the faeces.
Although it can be spread by blood
transfusion, the main route is from infective
faeces to the mouth via the hands or
objects contaminated with the faeces.
The patient with hepatitis may notice little
or nothing wrong, but in more severe cases,
the patient will have fever, headache,
nausea and vomiting, a severe loss of
appetite and aching in the muscles. Then
jaundice, caused by an accumulation of
yellow bile pigment in the blood, appears
after a few days or, in some cases, a week
or two from the onset of the symptoms.
The liver may become enlarged and tender
and may develop cirrhosis. The conditions
may lead to death from liver failure.
In Holistic Lifecare, hepatitis patients are
strongly advised to have adequate bed rest,
with proper care in the handling of infected
excreta. Alcoholic beverages should be
strictly avoided.
The holistic remedy being suggested for
total cure of hepatitis is a combination of
natural extracts of Eugenia caryophylatta,
Musa cavendichii, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina and Capsicum frutescens,.
Unless further qualified, the term is usually
taken to refer to a virus infection of the
liver; also known as infectious hepatitis.
Hepatitis is also (occasionally) a result of a
bacterial, protozoan or other microbial
Virus hepatitis occurs in two basic forms,
one of which is called infectious hepatitis
(or hepatitis A) and the other, serum
hepatitis (or hepatitis B), which is also
“infectious”. It is fairly certain that these
two conditions, although clinically similar,
are caused by different viruses and the
modes of transmission are different.
In Hepatitis B, transmission is mainly by the
injection or transfusion of contaminated
blood or blood products, or by accidental
skin pricks or other injuries caused by
contaminated needles or other sharp
objects. Transmission also occurs from
inadequately sterilised hypodermic needles,
syringes, surgical and dental instruments,
tattooing instruments and razors. Hepatitis
B is also common among narcotic addicts
and others who use unsteriled syringes for
drug injections.
The virus which causes hepatitis A, by
contrast, is mostly transmitted in the faeces.
Although it can be spread by blood
transfusion, the main route is from infective
faeces to the mouth via the hands or
objects contaminated with the faeces.
The patient with hepatitis may notice little
or nothing wrong, but in more severe cases,
the patient will have fever, headache,
nausea and vomiting, a severe loss of
appetite and aching in the muscles. Then
jaundice, caused by an accumulation of
yellow bile pigment in the blood, appears
after a few days or, in some cases, a week
or two from the onset of the symptoms.
The liver may become enlarged and tender
and may develop cirrhosis. The conditions
may lead to death from liver failure.
In Holistic Lifecare, hepatitis patients are
strongly advised to have adequate bed rest,
with proper care in the handling of infected
excreta. Alcoholic beverages should be
strictly avoided.
The holistic remedy being suggested for
total cure of hepatitis is a combination of
natural extracts of Eugenia caryophylatta,
Musa cavendichii, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina and Capsicum frutescens,.
Hernia is the protrusion of an internal organ
or tissue through a weak area in the wall of
the muscle or other tissue that normally
contains it. The term is usually applied to an
abnormal protrusion of the intestines
through an opening in the abdominal
There are several types of hernia and they
are classified according to their location in
the body. The most important are inguinal
hernias, which mainly affect men, femoral
hernias, which are more common in
overweight women; and umbilical hernias,
which occur in babies at the point of the
navel. A less common but life-threatening
type is the hiatus hernia; in which the
stomach protrudes through the diaphragm
and into the chest.
Abdominal hernias are usually due to a
congenital weakness in the wall of the
abdomen. The hernias may result from
damage caused by lifting heavy objects,
persistent coughing or straining to
defaecate, or may develop after an
The first symptoms of an abdominal hernia
is usually a bulge in the abdominal wall that
increases in size when the person stands,
coughs, sneezes, cries, laughs, lifts heavy
objects, or strain at the stool. Regardless of
the site of the protrusion, the intestines feel
doughy, often produce a colicky pain, and
make gurgling sounds when returned to the
abdominal cavity. There may also be
abdominal discomfort.
Severe pain occurs when the hernia bulges
out and cannot be put back; thus
necessitating surgery. If the blood supply to
a twisted, trapped portion of intestine
becomes impaired (strangulated hernia),
gangrene of the bowel may develop.
In holistic lifecare , the best prospect of
prevention and control of hernias is in
going back to Nature, in terms of diet,
exercise and herbal therapy. However, if the
hernia has progressed to the irreducible or
especially the strangulated stage, surgery
will be required. For less complicated
hernias, natural/herbal alternatives to
surgery can be used, but they should be
undertaken under competent professional
Notable among the natural remedies for
total control and healing of hernia is a
combination of natural extracts of herbs
such as Calotropis procera, Anthocleista
djalonensis, Clitandra spp., and Aframomum
or tissue through a weak area in the wall of
the muscle or other tissue that normally
contains it. The term is usually applied to an
abnormal protrusion of the intestines
through an opening in the abdominal
There are several types of hernia and they
are classified according to their location in
the body. The most important are inguinal
hernias, which mainly affect men, femoral
hernias, which are more common in
overweight women; and umbilical hernias,
which occur in babies at the point of the
navel. A less common but life-threatening
type is the hiatus hernia; in which the
stomach protrudes through the diaphragm
and into the chest.
Abdominal hernias are usually due to a
congenital weakness in the wall of the
abdomen. The hernias may result from
damage caused by lifting heavy objects,
persistent coughing or straining to
defaecate, or may develop after an
The first symptoms of an abdominal hernia
is usually a bulge in the abdominal wall that
increases in size when the person stands,
coughs, sneezes, cries, laughs, lifts heavy
objects, or strain at the stool. Regardless of
the site of the protrusion, the intestines feel
doughy, often produce a colicky pain, and
make gurgling sounds when returned to the
abdominal cavity. There may also be
abdominal discomfort.
Severe pain occurs when the hernia bulges
out and cannot be put back; thus
necessitating surgery. If the blood supply to
a twisted, trapped portion of intestine
becomes impaired (strangulated hernia),
gangrene of the bowel may develop.
In holistic lifecare , the best prospect of
prevention and control of hernias is in
going back to Nature, in terms of diet,
exercise and herbal therapy. However, if the
hernia has progressed to the irreducible or
especially the strangulated stage, surgery
will be required. For less complicated
hernias, natural/herbal alternatives to
surgery can be used, but they should be
undertaken under competent professional
Notable among the natural remedies for
total control and healing of hernia is a
combination of natural extracts of herbs
such as Calotropis procera, Anthocleista
djalonensis, Clitandra spp., and Aframomum
Friday, February 11, 2011
Genital herpes
Herpes is a generic name for a group of
viruses that cause a variety of diseases.The
ailments people generally associate with
herpes are those that produce small blisters
on the skin, which open and are replaced by
a crust before they heal completely. Genital
herpes is caused by a virus called Herpes
Simplex (HSV2), which causes crusted sores,
commonly around the lips and mouth (“cold
sores”) and the genitalia. The infectious
condition itself is also known as Herpes
The virus is intermittently present in the
mouth of healthy carriers and is spread by
personal contact; genital herpes is spread
mostly by sexual contact with an infected
person and is a venereal disease.
An attack begins with itching of the skin in
the affected area, quickly followed by
redness and swelling. Within a few hours,
fragile blisters (vesicles) appear and rupture
to exude a sticky serum like fluid which
rapidly crusts.
Because herpes blisters individually are the
size of a pinhead or smaller, they may not
be easily visible. Generally, the affected area
will be red, tender, and mildly to severely,
painful. Fever, headache, and general
malaise may also be present.
Genital herpes infections may cause a
painful cervicitis (inflammation of the
cervix) in women, with ulceration and a
vaginal discharge. In men, the genital
infection is usually less severe. However,
those whose immune response is impaired
(such as cancer patients, HIV/AIDS sufferers
or organ transplant recipients) can be very
susceptible to herpes infection.
Genital herpes may be passed from a
pregnant woman to her baby during
delivery. Babies infected during birth by
their mothers’ active genital herpes are very
likely to die or suffer severe brain damage
because they have little or no resistance to
the virus.
The best prospect of
prevention and total cure of genital herpes
is in going back to nature in terms of
personal hygiene, protected sexual contact
and use of potent herbal remedies. Also, a
body kept healthy by proper nutrition and
exercise has the best chance of keeping the
virus under control.
The remedy being suggested for
total cure of Genital Herpes is a combination
of natural extracts of Eugenia
caryophylatta, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina, Hypericum perforatum and
Echinacea augustifolia.
viruses that cause a variety of diseases.The
ailments people generally associate with
herpes are those that produce small blisters
on the skin, which open and are replaced by
a crust before they heal completely. Genital
herpes is caused by a virus called Herpes
Simplex (HSV2), which causes crusted sores,
commonly around the lips and mouth (“cold
sores”) and the genitalia. The infectious
condition itself is also known as Herpes
The virus is intermittently present in the
mouth of healthy carriers and is spread by
personal contact; genital herpes is spread
mostly by sexual contact with an infected
person and is a venereal disease.
An attack begins with itching of the skin in
the affected area, quickly followed by
redness and swelling. Within a few hours,
fragile blisters (vesicles) appear and rupture
to exude a sticky serum like fluid which
rapidly crusts.
Because herpes blisters individually are the
size of a pinhead or smaller, they may not
be easily visible. Generally, the affected area
will be red, tender, and mildly to severely,
painful. Fever, headache, and general
malaise may also be present.
Genital herpes infections may cause a
painful cervicitis (inflammation of the
cervix) in women, with ulceration and a
vaginal discharge. In men, the genital
infection is usually less severe. However,
those whose immune response is impaired
(such as cancer patients, HIV/AIDS sufferers
or organ transplant recipients) can be very
susceptible to herpes infection.
Genital herpes may be passed from a
pregnant woman to her baby during
delivery. Babies infected during birth by
their mothers’ active genital herpes are very
likely to die or suffer severe brain damage
because they have little or no resistance to
the virus.
The best prospect of
prevention and total cure of genital herpes
is in going back to nature in terms of
personal hygiene, protected sexual contact
and use of potent herbal remedies. Also, a
body kept healthy by proper nutrition and
exercise has the best chance of keeping the
virus under control.
The remedy being suggested for
total cure of Genital Herpes is a combination
of natural extracts of Eugenia
caryophylatta, Citrus lemonis, Euphorbia
unispina, Hypericum perforatum and
Echinacea augustifolia.
Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases are popularly
called venereal diseases. They are
contagious diseases, easily transmitted by
sexual contact from an infected person to a
sexual partner who is otherwise healthy.
The sexually transmitted diseases cause
various kinds of suffering with tragic
results as damage to an unborn child,
infertility and even premature death. Once
established in a person’s body, the disease
tends to persist, if untreated, for the
duration of life. Syphilis and gonorrhoea are
the best-known venereal diseases, but the
range also includes genital herpes,
candidiasis and warts, as well as
trichomoniasis, chancroid, staphylococcal
infections and Lymphogranuloma
In spite of our present knowledge of these
diseases and in spite of the availability of
effective treatment, the number of cases of
sexually transmitted illness has increased so
alarmingly that they are virtually out of
control. Changes in public attitudes towards
sexual matters, widespread use of
contraceptive pills and the emergence of
resistant strains of organisms seem to have
contributed to the increase of these
The symptoms of sexually transmitted
diseases vary, depending on the causative
agent. There may be abnormal discharge
from the sexual organ, with foul odour and
itching sensations, as in Gonorrhoea,
Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis. There may
be ulcers and pinching sensations as in
genital herpes simplex, staphylococcus,
syphilis and chancroid. Thirdly, there are
those characterised by the appearance of
lumps and bumps in the private parts, as
observed in cases of genital warts and
Lymphogranuloma venereum.
It should be well understood that when a
sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed in
a man or woman, the disease has probably
already passed on to the sexual partner, it is
therefore important that both should
treated to prevent re-infection.
Also, it is strongly advised that any
suspicion of a venereal disease or of
possible exposure to infection, calls for
urgent medical attention. In fact, prolonged
cases of venereal infections have been
shown to predispose one to more
dangerous infections such as HIV/AIDS.
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advocated
that in order to avoid suffering in the midst
of plenty, we must turn to NATURE. Some of
the natural remedies being advanced for
the treatment and control of sexually
transmitted diseases include the extracts of
local herbs such as Allium cepa, Senna alata
and Plumbago zeylanica.
called venereal diseases. They are
contagious diseases, easily transmitted by
sexual contact from an infected person to a
sexual partner who is otherwise healthy.
The sexually transmitted diseases cause
various kinds of suffering with tragic
results as damage to an unborn child,
infertility and even premature death. Once
established in a person’s body, the disease
tends to persist, if untreated, for the
duration of life. Syphilis and gonorrhoea are
the best-known venereal diseases, but the
range also includes genital herpes,
candidiasis and warts, as well as
trichomoniasis, chancroid, staphylococcal
infections and Lymphogranuloma
In spite of our present knowledge of these
diseases and in spite of the availability of
effective treatment, the number of cases of
sexually transmitted illness has increased so
alarmingly that they are virtually out of
control. Changes in public attitudes towards
sexual matters, widespread use of
contraceptive pills and the emergence of
resistant strains of organisms seem to have
contributed to the increase of these
The symptoms of sexually transmitted
diseases vary, depending on the causative
agent. There may be abnormal discharge
from the sexual organ, with foul odour and
itching sensations, as in Gonorrhoea,
Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis. There may
be ulcers and pinching sensations as in
genital herpes simplex, staphylococcus,
syphilis and chancroid. Thirdly, there are
those characterised by the appearance of
lumps and bumps in the private parts, as
observed in cases of genital warts and
Lymphogranuloma venereum.
It should be well understood that when a
sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed in
a man or woman, the disease has probably
already passed on to the sexual partner, it is
therefore important that both should
treated to prevent re-infection.
Also, it is strongly advised that any
suspicion of a venereal disease or of
possible exposure to infection, calls for
urgent medical attention. In fact, prolonged
cases of venereal infections have been
shown to predispose one to more
dangerous infections such as HIV/AIDS.
In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advocated
that in order to avoid suffering in the midst
of plenty, we must turn to NATURE. Some of
the natural remedies being advanced for
the treatment and control of sexually
transmitted diseases include the extracts of
local herbs such as Allium cepa, Senna alata
and Plumbago zeylanica.
Infertility is the inability of a woman to
become pregnant. In general, infertility can
be suspected if pregnancy has not occurred
after a year of regular intercourse, (without
the use of any form of contraception).
The cause of infertility may lie in the male
or the female. There are numerous causes
of infertility in each sex; sometimes no
cause is ever found. Unfortunately, most
men do not submit themselves to fertility
tests. Rather, they ascribe the shortcomings
to their wife’s conditions only.
Basically, two kinds of infertility are
recognised in the female. There is the
primary and the secondary infertility. When
a woman has had a child before and there
is a long gap, not deliberately brought
about by her, it will be said that her
condition is that of secondary infertility.
Primary infertility, on the other hand, is a
condition where the woman has not had an
issue before and is well into the
childbearing age.
Causes of infertility that can be diagnosed
are many. These include Blocked Fallopian
Tubes, Uterine Fibroids, Hormonal Problems,
Incompetent Cervix, Internal Heat in the
lower abdomen, Tilted Mouth of the Uterus,
Displaced Uterus, and Lack of Ovulation
(especially after prolonged use of some
contraceptive devices).
Other cases of infertility range from
infections, especially the Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (in both men &
women) and Watery Sperms in men.
Also, some bad lifestyles, social excesses,
indiscriminate sexual indulgence, criminal
abortion as well as tough exercises,
unsuitable postures and heavy sporting
activities have been implicated in female
Nature is wonderful. The human body
obeys the law of use and disuse. For
example, Fibroids, which are so common
today, used not to be so when women had
children till they were advanced in age.
When a woman has fibroids, it implies that
her womb was looking for something to
Treating gynecological problems naturally
seems to be quite easy. Some physical
disorders can be corrected through
massage. Tension and worries should be
avoided. The food intake should be simple
and natural to provide the natural nutrients
that the body needs, with avoidance of
denatured food, alcohol and smoking.
Some of the suggested natural remedies
being suggested for infertility include the
extracts of local herbs such as
Acanthospermum hispidum, Desmodium
velutinum, Kigelia africana, Momordica
charantia and Viscum album.
become pregnant. In general, infertility can
be suspected if pregnancy has not occurred
after a year of regular intercourse, (without
the use of any form of contraception).
The cause of infertility may lie in the male
or the female. There are numerous causes
of infertility in each sex; sometimes no
cause is ever found. Unfortunately, most
men do not submit themselves to fertility
tests. Rather, they ascribe the shortcomings
to their wife’s conditions only.
Basically, two kinds of infertility are
recognised in the female. There is the
primary and the secondary infertility. When
a woman has had a child before and there
is a long gap, not deliberately brought
about by her, it will be said that her
condition is that of secondary infertility.
Primary infertility, on the other hand, is a
condition where the woman has not had an
issue before and is well into the
childbearing age.
Causes of infertility that can be diagnosed
are many. These include Blocked Fallopian
Tubes, Uterine Fibroids, Hormonal Problems,
Incompetent Cervix, Internal Heat in the
lower abdomen, Tilted Mouth of the Uterus,
Displaced Uterus, and Lack of Ovulation
(especially after prolonged use of some
contraceptive devices).
Other cases of infertility range from
infections, especially the Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (in both men &
women) and Watery Sperms in men.
Also, some bad lifestyles, social excesses,
indiscriminate sexual indulgence, criminal
abortion as well as tough exercises,
unsuitable postures and heavy sporting
activities have been implicated in female
Nature is wonderful. The human body
obeys the law of use and disuse. For
example, Fibroids, which are so common
today, used not to be so when women had
children till they were advanced in age.
When a woman has fibroids, it implies that
her womb was looking for something to
Treating gynecological problems naturally
seems to be quite easy. Some physical
disorders can be corrected through
massage. Tension and worries should be
avoided. The food intake should be simple
and natural to provide the natural nutrients
that the body needs, with avoidance of
denatured food, alcohol and smoking.
Some of the suggested natural remedies
being suggested for infertility include the
extracts of local herbs such as
Acanthospermum hispidum, Desmodium
velutinum, Kigelia africana, Momordica
charantia and Viscum album.
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